英语人>网络例句>资本主义 相关的搜索结果


与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It distorts the essence of value and regards the marginal utility as the criterion of measuring value, garbles the relationships between value and price, conceals the contradiction between social productions and social consumptions which exists inherently in capitalist society. it is the ideology of the capitalist class.


The workings of welfare state capitalism quickly led to the creation of a situation, endogenous it must be remembered, that militated against the core principles and institutional features of welfare state capitalism.


This makes the visual angle of historic research get more broad, and enriches the content of new history. The predecessors hard work and unique ingenuity give me a lot of enlightenment.


Does the capitalism whichdevelops rapidly and constantly and keeps negating itself equal what it used to be?


In 1922, State Farm was formed by George Mecherle, a farmer from Merna, Illinois, who aimed to take advantage of the pricing umbrella maintained by the high-cost giants of the industry. State Farm employed a "captive" agency force, a system keeping its acquisition costs lower than those incurred by the bureau insurers (whose "independent" agents successfully played off one company against another). With its low-cost structure, State Farm eventually captured about 25% of the personal lines business, far outdistancing its once-mighty competitors. Allstate, formed in 1931, put a similar distribution system into place and soon became the runner-up in personal lines to State Farm.

1922年州农保险由伊利诺州 Merna 的农夫 George Mecherle 所创立,年州农保险由伊利诺州所创立,目标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属仲介人员,标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属仲介人员,这套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,其独立业务代表接二连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取25%的个的个人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,而创立于1931年的 Allstate 也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,立于年的也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,而这种低成本的营运确已势不可挡。

Thirdly, our culture is presaged by the growth of capitalism, but this capitalism has the ambivalent function in our culture.


The "New Deal" partially changed the productive relationship of capitalism and made capitalism become reinvigorated.


The unbridled, unregulated, unchecked greed and lust for profits typifying industrial capitalism of the early 1900s has found its twin in modern-day financial capitalism.


One person made a vivified remark which I think can be used to illustrate the hideous reality of the so called Chinese capitalism: Capitalism without law is like Christianity without the notion of hell, at end everyone will perish.


But with dirigisme as its central dogma, France could not cohabit easily with what was thought of as, and still is for most,"Anglo-Saxon capitalism", a simplistic and primitive interpretation of Adam Smith laissez-faire.


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Even if he can, he underwent surgery and contrasts what can rest, half of the brain?


Past study re-sults had indicated that MMC in the apomictic type could at most develop to te-trad stage.We observed that the sexual embryo sac of"Pingyi Tiancha"coulddevelop into 4-nuclei embry sac.


This was the birthplace of Indian Musical Raga and Swaras.
