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与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The capitalist method of production makes use of this propertyless class of vagabonds, whose numbers assume large proportions in the beginning of the capitalist system.


The structural foundation for the capitalist mode of reproduction was not reducible to individual-level explanations and as long as capitalism rules, propertyless women would remain oppressed.


The being-established of socialist market economy system bothreflects that the necessary claiming of the economic social conditions inthe present China and the correct choice done by C.P.C after summarizing theexperiences and chide of history.The socialist market economy is thehistorical sublation to the capitalist market economy and represents thefuture of the market economy.The development of socialist market economyembodies the inevitable history trend of the mankind pursuing thecivilization and evolution.The practice of the socialist market economy willbe open a new way for the underdeveloped socialist countries to accomplishtheir modernization and provides a mode for the developed capitalistcountries to sublate the abuse inside their capitalist institute.


The Salon Drama, being a special dramatic form in the modern Western theater, represents symptomatically the development of the Urban Capitalism and reaffirms constantly the reproducing of the capitalist social structure and the productive forces.


During the Cold War, many proletarian parties did not deal with the relations between socialism and capitalism ail-roundly and properly. They often took a one-side approach to the issue. In other words, they overemphasized the aspect of antagonism, belligerence and repellency but neglected the aspect of coexistence, osmosis, supplement and transformability, which damaged the socialist revolution and building of the states and the socialist movement of the world.


The ecological socialism and the enviromental economics has partly realize the relation between the institution and resources continuous utilization and resources continuous utilization.The thesis insists that the capitalism leads to the uncontinuous utilization of resources, but the continuous utilization of resources results from the socialist public ownership. Firstly, the common ownership of property right of resources is the base of resources continuous utilization. Because the property right of resources belongs to the society in socialism, the partial interest and integrate interest are untied, as well as the short-term interest and long-term interest, which decides that the socialist owner of resources can抰utilize resources for individual interests like capitalist ones.


On the other hand, by applying a Luhmannian semantic distinction aided by Weberian typology, we reach fuller appreciation for how capitalism emerges as contradictory fabrications from different conjunctures.


E. H. No socialist can foreswear the ideas of Marx, since his belief that capitalism must be succeeded by another form of society is based not on hope or will but on a serious analysis of historical development, particularly in the capitalist era.


Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.


Because the focal point of this works does not lie in the life state that demonstrates the work class , and lies in the social problem that reflects then England , capitalist quick development under, the original collision between the social structural and burgeoning industrial capitalist society of feudal nature for with than.


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In fact it's called the Sate .


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