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与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To absorb and draw on the capitalist civilization, we must have a correct knowledgement on Capitalism and its civilization


But, as he himself admitted in the very speech in which called for the Fifth International, Venezuela remains a capitalist country and the state machine a capitalist one. This is a vital question, no matter many times Chávez has clashed with the USA, its Latin American puppet Colombia's Alavaro Uribe, and the business and landowning élite within Venezuela.


In capitalist countries replaced under Boris yeltsin actual control of oligarchic capitalism regime.


Oligarchic capitalism is the worst performer; state-guided capitalism can work well for a while, especially when an economy is in catch-up mode, as Japan once was.


China today resembles an oligarchic version of state-led capitalism" which could become "crony capitalism built on systemic corruption and raw political power.


The great achievement of the socialist construction of the SovietUnion had set up an example for the chinese people;The fighting between the United statesand China had increased the Chinese people's emotional repelment to capitalism;The Partythought that the establishment of socialist ownership is the completion of the transition to so-cialism;The party and Mao Tse-Tung had an unduly serious estimation on the passive in-fluence of the capitalist economy during the period of the national economy's reconstruction;the"pauseless revolution theory"which was laways being advocated by Mao Tse-Tung andsome uncertainties and unmaturations of the New-Democratic Society Theory Were the mainCauses that the Party and Mao Tse-Tung proposed the soclalist transformation.


Through his portrayal of Ashurst's personality, his limitation revealed. On one hand he had realized the declining capitalist society; on the other hand, he intended to defend his own class. Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois.


Through his portrayal of Ashurst's personality, his limitation revealed. On one hand he had realized the declining capitalist society; on the other hand, he intended to defend his own class. Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois.


On one hand he had realized the declining capitalist society; on the other hand, he intended to defend his own class. Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois. He wanted to use aesthetics in the literature to cover the ugly aspect of the bourgeoisie. He was a bourgeois himself.


Through his portrayal of Ashurst's personality, his limitation revealed. On one hand he had realized the declining capitalist society; on the other hand, he intended to defend his own class. Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois.


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In fact it's called the Sate .


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