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After the geographical great discovery,"globalization"process begins, the modern country is established and a lot of countries in the world set up capitalist system. Capitalist economy makes the contact of the countries more frequent. The signing of "contract of Westphalia"in 1648 mark the beginning of modern diplomacy.

地理大发现之后,"全球化"进程开始,近代国家成立,世界上许多国家都建立起了资本主义制度,资本主义经济使国与国之间的接触更加频繁,1648 年《威斯特伐利亚条约》的签订,标志着近代外交的开始。

Develop the new change of capitalist country is adumbrative the development trend of human society, capitalist inevitable meeting advances socialism, this is not move with the volition of bourgeois.


And, perhaps it is only today, in global capitalism in its "postindustrial", digitalized form, that, to put it in Hegelian terms, really existing capitalism is reaching the level of its notion: perhaps, one should follow again Marx\'s old, antievolutionist motto (incidentally taken verbatim from Hegel) that the anatomy of man provides the key for the anatomy of the monkey-that is, in order to deploy the inherent, notional structure of a social formation, one must start with its most developed form.


The requirement that Marx, Engesisheng's vivid times abolishs capitalist private ownership is far still did not mature, at this late hour, inside capitalist relations of production, social productivity still grows in bulkily.


This paper thought, before china's innovation to the system of ownership structure, its' constructing and adjustment had passed through this way which confiscated the bureaucratic capital, to agricultural, the handicraft industry and the Capitalistic industry and commerce, carried on the socialistic transformation, after that, began the countryside communalization movement and "sheared the capitalistic tail", the mentality carried on was "making the individual economy into collective economy, then making the collective economy into all the people's economy"; Vietnam in the socialistic transformation and in the public ownership system establishment, the biggest difference with other nations was carried it on in the north and south two different regions and different time; Laos' socialistic transformation started from the privately-run enterprises, then carried on socialistic transformation to the agriculture; The North Korea's establishment of socialistic system of ownership proceed along the important industrial


And the person that crackajack capitalism is carried out, those mighty merchants and entrepreneur people, think capitalist spirit has two sides sex likewise, it is the greedy cruelty that reporter and writers censure and seek sudden huge profits not just, ruinous perhaps innovation and hardship work, it is representing the consecratory spirit that serves for the public likewise.


Under the capitalist condition, alienation labor makes the laborer's work alien from his products, his labor activity, his essence, and the relation between different laborers. We can get the goal of developing the useful and discarding the useless of the dissimilatory works through realization of communism only and have to eliminate the capitalist private ownership relation of work.


The migration of peasants to Siberia and exploitation of Siberia is an indiscerptible and important part of Russian capitalist phylogeny. It is an important task for research the history of capitalist Russia.


One of the consequences of opening harbor made intrinsic class contradiction and new nation contradiction interwove together, which broke out "Ren Wu Mutiny" that dumb millions were against punk feudal governing class and extra capitalism invading; on the other hand, it provoked political reform thought having capitalism character preliminary, namely becoming civilized thought.


Different views of Mao Zedong、Hush and Jingoish boutcapitalism, the reason lying back it and its influence to Chinese social development willmaking this thesis a good article full of theoretical and practical meaning.Capitalism which we talk in our daily life means west capitalist nation or capitalismsystem with disgusted affection in it, affected by different political views, culture conflictsand nation interest factors.


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