英语人>网络例句>贫瘠的 相关的搜索结果


与 贫瘠的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Robert Herrick, in Together; Pinero, in Mid-Channel; Eugene Walter, in Paid in Full, and scores of other writers are discussing the barrenness, the monotony, the sordidness, the inadequacy of marriage as a factor for harmony and understanding.

Rober Herrick从总体上,Pinero从中间渠道,Eugene Walter从完全的付出上,还有许多其它的作家,作为和谐和理解的一个因素,都正在讨论婚姻的贫瘠、单调、卑下、贫乏。

1Henry told us that in approximately 6,000 years time the Earth will be practically barren , and there will be an attempt to repopulate it.


To ensure future production, appropriate tree seedlings are inoculated with truffle spores, and when the sapling tree is established, it is transplanted to the proper environment, usually a barren, rock-strewn calcific soil.


In the absurd world the value of a notion or of a life is measured by its sterility.


The lands that they have been given are relatively unfertile and lacking in natural resources; the Black Hills lands, rich in minerals, were seized and in any case traditional Sioux beliefs would have forbidden digging into the earth.


Prunus humilis,a species of Cerasus and originate in china,is cold-resistant, able to bear the drought、saline、alkalinly and barrenly, the wild fruit tree with very strong adaptability.


In the aspect of grass cold tolerance, these ten grasses were classified into three types by the cluster analysis, based on winter survival adaptability and LT50 measured under low temperature treatment. High cold tolerance: Bromus biebersteinii,Bromus inermis,Festuca arundinacea, Agropyron desertorum,Elytrigia elongate, Phleum pretense; medium cold tolerance: Festuca rubra, Agropyron smithii,Dactylis glomerata; low cold tolerance: Phalaris arundinacea.

禾本科牧草在耐寒性方面,根据牧草越冬适应性表现和低温处理下用电导法得出的半致死温度, 10种牧草进行聚类分析结果表明:耐寒性强的是草地雀麦、无芒雀麦、苇状羊茅、沙生冰草、长穗偃麦草、猫尾草;耐寒性中等的是紫羊茅、蓝茎冰草、鸭茅;耐贫瘠性最弱的是草芦。

Interspecific hybrids were obtained between a trifluralin-resistant form of the wild species Setaria viridis and the trifluralin-susceptible cultivated foxtail millet.


In most cases, except for the fact that he is a musician he might be anybody , with anybody's ideas about anything , as avid and uncritical a mopper-up of press dope as the generality; and to sum up, with no qualities of mind or personality that make any time passed in his neighbourhood, let alone in his company, anything other than spiritually and morally profitless , a waste , null and void .


Along the rocky coast of the Pacific Northwest, for instance, the demarcation between the high tide seaweed community and the watery edge of the spruce forest is an extreme no-man's-land of barren beach.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
