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If the project is successful, barren stretches of land in Oman may be exploited agriculturally.


The paper fristly compared the fertile soil with the incinerated sterile soil on the number of micro-algae , soil pH value , soil organic matter soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen.And then, the author put fertile soil, which included micro-algae, proportionally into sterile samples and cultivated them respectively under illumination condition (micro-algae can live and reproduce)and dark condition(micro-algae will die in some time).The above indices were measured in 0, 30, 60 and 90days respectively, The analyse of the interrelation between the change of micro-algae"s number and the changes of soil pH value, soil organic matter, soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen indicated:Soil micro-algae which were native to fertile soil conld adapt to the changed circumstance and light acted as a decisive role to the distribution of soil micro-algae.Under dark condition,the micro-algae"s number declined gradually and went to zero in the end,while under illumination condition ,on the 90th day, the micro-algaes number of per gramme was 6-7 times more than that of the beginning.


Now stand you on the top of happy hours, And many maiden gardens, yet unset, With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers, Much liker than your painted counterfeit: So should the lines of life that life repair Which this time's pencil or my pupil pen, Neither in inward worth nor outward fair Can make you live yourself in eyes of men.


By the cluster analysis, 10 grasses were classified into three types—of high barren resistance: Bromus inermis,Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata; of medium barren resistance: Bromus biebersteinii,Phleum pratense,Phalaris arundinacea; of low barren resistance: Festuca rubra, Agropyron desertorum,Agropyron smithii,Elytrigia elongate.


In order to select a kind of eminent grass which is adaptable to the northern China, the present thesis studies ten kinds of grasses from Gramineae, Bromus biebersteinii,Bromus inermis,Festuca arundinacea ,Festuca rubra,Dactylis glomerata ,Phleum pratense,Agropyron desertorum,Agropyron smithii,Elytrigia elongate and Phalaris arundinacea,and also explores the physiological aspects of their drought resistance, cold tolerance and barren resistance. The drought resistance experiment was conducted to study 10 grasses under water stress during seedling stage by simulating indoor drought environment.


The energy consumption in unit architectural area in our country is nearly 4 times as much as that in developed country with the approximate climatic conditions. China is a country with deficient energy resources, so using the energy reasonably and enhancing the utilization ratio are fundamental plans for developing our society. Improving the energy conservation technology for exterior wall and enclosure structure, innovating the heat insulation materials, and reducing building energy consumption are of great significances.


The reason included five aspects:①the effect of physical environment: the open geographical environment and barren soil urge the Greeks to look for development outward while the close geographical environment and advantaged condition for agriculture shaped the Chinese conservative thought and obstructed their steps of going out.②the advancing and blocking of the economic: the frequent trade offered an abundant living supply and open view while the self-sufficient agriculture with restraining trade rigidified the thought.③ the difference in politic institute and situation: the democracy polis of ancient Greece is exclusive in the ancient world. It shaped the atmosphere of freedom, democracy and adversary. While the monarchy in ancient China pursued the "united country" and shaped the atmosphere serving for politic and consolidating thoughts.④the guiding of traditional culture: the Greeks pursued freedom and wisdom and were curious about nature while the Chinese adored ancestor and obeyed the authority and prefer to pragmatism.


The reason included five aspects:①the effect of physical environment: the open geographical environment and barren soil urge the Greeks to look for development outward while the close geographical environment and advantaged condition for agriculture shaped the Chinese conservative thought and obstructed their steps of going out.②the advancing and blocking of the economic: the frequent trade offered an abundant living supply and open view while the self-sufficient agriculture with restraining trade rigidified the thought.③ the difference in politic institute and situation: the democracy polis of ancient Greece is exclusive in the ancient world. It shaped the atmosphere of freedom, democracy and adversary. While the monarchy in ancient China pursued the "united country" and shaped the atmosphere serving for politic and consolidating thoughts.④the guiding of traditional culture: the Greeks pursued freedom and wisdom and were curious about nature while the Chinese adored ancestor and obeyed the authority and prefer to pragmatism.


The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept with unbroken force, now from the Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers.


Colorful garden of colorful, light spring green spring vegetable bed, jade-like transparent, Doo-Yan flowers, blooming race, cold wind and opened the Happy蜂蝶; calm sea, fishes fish salty gash of the wind waves,水灵like precious stones, rough waves, one after the other, petrels soar down in the storm clouds; sparsely populated desert, the scorching sun baked the shortage of barren rock, hell dead, Cheng Wang snow from cold water, flowing babble, Ganquan started Oasis of the curtain.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
