英语人>网络例句>贫瘠的 相关的搜索结果


与 贫瘠的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Happily , however , there was sleep in beauvais that night to help them out of it , and they passed on once more into solitude and loneliness : jingling through the untimely cold and wet , among impoverished fields that had yielded no fruits of the earth that year , diversified by the blackened remains of burnt houses , and by the sudden emergence from ambuscade , and sharp reining up across their way , of patriot patrols on the watch on all the roads


He alone has the following eighteen parables: good Samaritan, friend at midnight, rich fool, servants watching, two debtors, barren fig-tree, chief seats, great supper, rash builder, rash king, lost groat, prodigal son, unjust steward, rich man and Lazarus, unprofitable servants, unjust judge, Pharisee and publican, pounds.

他单有以下18比喻:好撒马利亚人,朋友在午夜,丰富的傻瓜,公务员看,两个债务人,贫瘠的图树,行政议席,伟大的晚餐,皮疹建设者,皮疹国王,失去了groat ,浪子的儿子,不公正的董事,财主和拉撒路,无利可图的公务员,不公正的法官, pharisee和publican ,英镑。

Before he talked about joining Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, John Havlicek and Larry Bird as players to lead the great Celtics to a title; before he spoke about getting the 800-pound gorilla off his back and becoming a champion for the first time; before he even mentioned the woman who gave birth to him and raised him from the hard-scrabble neighborhoods in Mauldin, S.C., up through Chi-town to the tony south metro area of Minneapolis, Garnett paid tribute to the fans and the state that helped make him the player he is today.


Richard Pillsbury, a geography professor at Georgia State University, describes traditional life in the lowland South, a region stretching from northern Virginia down to the Gulf coast of Texas:"Smallish hardscrabble farms almost lost in the white heat of a sweltering summer sun as the owners and their help fought swarms of mosquitoes to plant, cultivate and harvest the meagre cotton crop for market."

乔治亚大学地理学教授Richard Pillsbury认为,传统的南部低地生活区,应该指的是在从弗吉尼亚北部一直向南延伸到到德克萨斯的港湾附近。"炎热的气候无情的摧残者贫瘠的小农场,农场主和雇工忍受着黑压压的蚊子的困扰,辛勤劳作,为市场提供微薄的收成。"

The Tuareg, turbaned nomads who for centuries have ruled this barren realm, refer to it as a "desert within a desert"—a California-size ocean of sand and rock, where a single massive dune might stretch a hundred miles, and the combination of 120-degree heat and inexorable winds can wick the water from a human body in less than a day.


As devils bay concensus for the space to piss On your smouldering faith And the mouldering face Of this world long a paradise lost This is the end of everything Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring Danse macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac Now brighter stars shall reflect on ou***te What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black?


Ilove this word so much ,I know I am proving all the time ,but I can not do well.08year is coming rapidly ,New trying ,New think about ,more ,The gun is newly .To be forget myself .moreover, I will make a heatedly fight myself ,to be so unsmoked battle that fill bloody anywhere ,and the poverly valley pile with deadwood, no one like to lay here a minute ,surely ,want to stop here myself indeed ,if that want to leave to hell ,now ,keep walking

这句话自己是特别的喜欢,而喜欢却没有做到。08年来了,新的征程,新的思维,甚至连枪都是新的,忽略自己的存在,甚至与自己产生一轮撕杀,让这无烟的战场到处弥漫着血腥,让这贫瘠的山谷堆满骸骨,没人愿意留在这片刻,所以现在,不停歇的向前走,当然也有想留在这的人,那是因为想要到天堂要付出很多很多艰辛:)I KNOW I CAN

Zhu Jianghong of division force leading person to the company " heavy storehouse area does not produce food " the current situation is very anxious, so high grade market, do not run to cross poor Anhui market, zhu Jianghong thinks the person is main factor, dong Mingzhu enters his field of vision from this, when researching Hua Dong market, zhu Jianghong call-overs want Dong Mingzhu to accompany make an on-the-spot investigation.


E. cloacae had fast growth speed and could survive under nutrition-lacking condition, which meant that it was a bacterium suitable for degradation of organophosphorus pesticides in soil and water.


It was the first of several orbiters that are surveying the cold, barren lannscape, looking especially for signs of water, and relaying signals f rom the two robotic rovers crawling over the terrain .


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
