英语人>网络例句>负债的 相关的搜索结果


与 负债的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

COMPOSITE CORPORATION Balance Sheet 20X1- 20X2 (in $ millions) Assets Current assets: Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Inventories Other Total current assets 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Notes payable Accrued expenses Total current liabilities 20X2 20X1 Fixed assets: Property, plant, and equipment $1,423 $1,274 -550 -460 Less accumulated depreciation Net property, plant, and equipment 873 814 Intangible assets and other 245 221 Total fixed assets $1,118 $1,035 $213 $197 The assets are listed in order 50 53 by the length of time it223 205 normally would take a$486 $455 firm Long-term liabilities: with ongoing operations to $104 Deferred taxes $117 Long-term debt 458 convert them into cash.471 $562 Total long-term liabilities $588 Stockholder's equity: Preferred stock $39 $39 Common stock ($1 per value) 55 32 Capital surplus 347 327 Accumulated retained earnings 390 347 Less treasury stock -26 -20 Total equity $805 $725 Total liabilities and stockholder's equity $1,879 $1,742 Clearly, cash is much more liquid than property, plant and equipment.

Total assets $1,879 $1,742 美国联合公司的资产负债表美国联合公司资产负债表 20X2 和20X1 (单位:百万单位:单位百万)资产流动资产:现金及现金等价物应收帐款存货其它流动资产合计固定资产:财产,厂房和设备减:累计折旧财产,厂房及设备净值无形资产及其它资产固定资产合计 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 债务负债债务和股东权益债务流动负债: 20X2 20X1 资产排列的顺序是根据在通$213 $197 应付帐款 50 53 应付票据常情况下企业持续经营将资205 223 应计费用$486 $455 流动负债合计产转化为现金所需要的时间长期负债:长度。长度。显然,现金比财产,厂房,显然,现金比财产,厂房,设备等的流动性要强得多。设备等的流动性要强得多。

K. Description of the adopted and used accounting politics, including used method of asset as well as equity and liabilities valuation, cost valuation and calculation of the profit and the method of preparation of the financial statement and comparative figures l. Indication of applied foreign currency exchange rates to recount the presentation currency into functional currency with description of the rules of this recounting m.

鉴 描述的采用,会计政治包括使用的一种资产,以及资产和负债的估价成本的估价和计算利润的方法,编制财务报表及对比数字油菜说明适用外币兑换率追述颁奖货币功能货币与描述规则这次拿下米。

Secondly, by analyzing basic variables——stochastic cash flow and manager utility function, we gain a proposition (7. 1): If manager is risk averter, then he prefers low risk or riskless and he is satisfied with a basically constant compensation.


Among the leading scholars in France may be mentioned Budé, the first Hellenist of his age (1467-1540), the accomplished printers Robert (1503-59) and Henri (1528-98) Estienne, to whom we are indebted for the "Thesaurus lingu Latin" and the "Thesaurus lingu Grc"; Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), famed for his knowledge of epigraphy, numismatics, and especially of chronology; the philologist Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614), well known for his excellent edition of the classics, and Petrus Ramus (1515-72), a profound student of Greek and medieval philosophy.

在知名学者在法国可能会提到布德,第一次Hellenist他的年龄( 1467至1540年),完成打印机的罗伯特( 1503年至1559年)和法国( 1528年至1598年) Estienne ,我们向他有负债的"词库lingu Latin "和"词库lingu Grc ";约瑟夫贾斯特斯凯利格( 1540年至1609年),著名的金石学的知识,钱币学,特别是年表;的philologist艾萨克卡索邦( 1559年至1614年),众所周知的出色版的经典,彼支( 1515年至1572年),一个深刻的学生,希腊和中世纪的哲学。

In theory this paper creates 6 independent variables to figure a corporation's debt structure by the generalized concept of capital structure with floating debt. Taking the improved Tobin's Q as the explained variable, this paper works out 4 expressions after regression estimation.


Education2002/09-2003/12 Maastricht University, NetherlandsMaster of Social Security1989/09-1993/07 Renmin University of ChinaBachelorProfessional certificationFRMThe China Securities Association, a practicing certificateCurrent treatment minimum wage: RMB 530,004 / year = 44,167 / month × year fixed-DecemberExperience2007/07- present Union Life Beijing Company Compliance Risk Management Department / General Manager of Corporate Risk Management Committee Member and the Investment Management Committee members of BeijingReporting Objects: Company CROWork: Economic Capital Management asset-liability management comprehensive risk management Compliance Management Investment Risk Management Investment Performance Evaluation Management Legal Services Corporate Risk Management Committee Member, and the investment management committee members, participation in pension and asset management companies to build.2003/11-2007/06 Taikang Life Beijing Company Risk Management / Manager BeijingReporting object: department headWork: measuring market risk economic capital and credit risk economic capital integration of the entire company's economic capital, including the insurance risk and operational risk economic capital, economic capital internal controls and operational risk management a variety of risk analysis and asset liability management study capital management and capital allocation Risk Management and Performance Evaluation liability company-wide asset-liability management in the enterprise annuity on training and preparation for data preparation, as well as the preparation of Tyco pension.

教育背景2002/09-2003/12 荷兰马斯特里赫特大学社会保障硕士1989/09-1993/07 中国人民大学经济学学士专业证照FRM 中国证券协会执业证书目前待遇基本工资:人民币 530,004/年= 44,167 /月×全年固定12月工作经历2007/07-至今合众人寿北京总公司风险合规管理部/总经理公司风险管理委员会会员以及投资管理委员会会员北京汇报对象:公司CRO工作内容:经济资本管理资产负债管理全面风险管理合规管理投资风险管理投资绩效评估管理公司法律事务公司风险管理委员会会员以及投资管理委员会会员,参与养老金公司和资产管理公司筹建。2003/11-2007/06 泰康人寿北京总公司风险管理部/经理北京汇报对象:部门负责人工作内容:计量市场风险经济资本和信用风险经济资本整合整个公司旳经济资本,包括保险风险经济资本和业务风险经济资本内部控制和操作风险的管理各种风险的分析以及资产负债管理研究资本管理和资本配置风险管理和绩效评估负债整个公司资产负债管理参与企业年金的关于培训和筹备资料准备以及泰康养老金筹建。

Among them, into the assets of the Group of Kyrgyzstan in order to transfer all the shares held by the company in the process of transfer from the Shan Coal Group to its name and to the trust after Hill Coal Group 7 of the furniture there is an independent legal personality of the coal trading company 100% equity; Hill for the injection of assets held by Coal Group 3 coal mining companies and 18 coal trading company with headquarters and its stake in the domestic coal business-related assets and liabilities of the underlying asset Hill Coal Group include coal mining and coal trading business two The integrity of the operating assets of the plate.


Among the leading scholars in France may be mentioned Budé, the first Hellenist of his age (1467-1540), the accomplished printers Robert (1503-59) and Henri (1528-98) Estienne, to whom we are indebted for the "Thesaurus lingu Latin" and the "Thesaurus lingu Grc"; Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), famed for his knowledge of epigraphy, numismatics, and especially of chronology; the philologist Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614), well known for his excellent edition of the classics, and Petrus Ramus (1515-72), a profound student of Greek and medieval philosophy.

在知名学者在法国可能会提到布德,第一次Hellenist他的年龄( 1467至1540年),完成打印机的罗伯特( 1503年至1559年)和法国( 1528年至1598年) Estienne ,我们向他有负债的&词库lingu Latin &和&词库lingu Grc &;约瑟夫贾斯特斯凯利格( 1540年至1609年),著名的金石学的知识,钱币学,特别是年表;的philologist艾萨克卡索邦( 1559年至1614年),众所周知的出色版的经典,彼支( 1515年至1572年),一个深刻的学生,希腊和中世纪的哲学。

If the vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglect or default of the master, mariner, pilot or of the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the vessel, the owners of the goods carried hereunder will indemnify the carrier against all loss or liability to or the other or non-carrying vessel or here owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of or damage to or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said goods paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners to the owners of said goods and set off, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or carrier.the foregoing provision shall also apply where the owners, operators or those in charge of any vessel or vessels or objects other than,or in addition to, the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision, contact , stranding or other accident.


To the monastic transcribers the world is indebted for most of its ancient literature, not only the Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers, but those of the classical authors also.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
