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与 调节了的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The two biggest advantages of the machine; automatic adjustment rate of decline, reducing the vibration of the equipment; decline in the saving of time, down at the end of the sponge cloth and the impact of different products can meet the production requirements.


Based on consider hereinbefore, this dissertation discusses several aspects on the problem of the sustainable and optimum exploitation of groundwater resources as follows:①reviewed entirely the origin and evolvement of the concept "sustainable development", stated and commented the study status in queue on"sustainable development"around national and international range, thorough discussed the science connotation about the concept "sustainable development";②looked back and commented across-the aboard some furthest basic concept and proposition related to groundwater resources, put forward self opinions on a few existent mistake points of view and chaos understandings;③expatiated entirely on the content and meaning of the theory of changeable groundwater resources system, contrast with the traditional methods of groundwater resources calculation and evaluation, combined example to show the application of this theory;④thorough analyzed the difficult and complexity to forecast the groundwater resources, fully stated the traditional methods of groundwater resources forecasting, pointed out the characteristic and applying condition of these forecasting method, introduced the main ideas and methods of wavelet analysis developed recently, and the MATLAB software be known as the fifths era computer language, and its accessory wavelet analysis toolbox, applied these methods and tools to analyze the groundwater dynamic curve, adopted the B-J method and Morte-Carlo method, combined with the theory of changeable groundwater resources system, discussed the new view on the forecast of groundwater resources;⑤synthetically analyzed the characteristics and limitations of the present all kind of groundwater manage model, combined mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, random process and the theory of variation system of groundwater resources on the unite optimum attempter of surface water and groundwater, emphasized how to make the model more nicety, more simple, more practicality;⑥analyzed the inside condition and outside condition to assure the sustainable and optimum exploitation of groundwater resources, the inside conditions are the follows: correct resources idea, scientific methods of resources calculation and evaluation, credible forecast methods of resources, exercisable measures of resources management, the outside conditions are the follows: the development idea of high layer, the transform of manage system, the matched policy and rule of law, the adjusted of economy lever, the improve of cultural diathesis, the boosting up of water-saving consciousness and detail measures, the control of population rising, the prevention and cure of water pollute, the renew and rebuild of ecology;⑦scan the sustainable and optimum exploitation of groundwater resources from the high level of metagalaxy, earth system science, and philosophy;⑧point out the more directions on groundwater resources.


In order to investigate the role of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression were evaluated from both protein and gene level by in vivo and in vitro study, We have conducted (1) immunocytochemical analysis and in situ hybridization to examine the alteration in expression of ICAM-1 and it's relationship with interstitial infiltrating cells and TNFα; A total of 64 renal biopsies were classified in three groups according to the degree of cellular proliferation and infiltration in glomerulus;(2) indirect immunofluoresence and immunoblotting. methods to detect the VCAM-1 level both in renal tissue and in serum from the patients of lupus nephritis (17cases) and crescentic nephritis (4 cases);(3) Cell ELISA and northern blot technique to study the effects of TNFα and IL-1β on ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 surface expression and gene expression by cultured human mesangial cells .


The later can research basic inner process inner mass flow and diathermanous mechanism of components, and apply to use in actual operation process of system's components, emulation of dynamic characteristic and performance's optimized analysis of components.

第3章 建立了风机盘管的稳态模型,通过产品的多次实验平均结果验证了模型的正确性;并对风机盘管的调节和节能进行了模拟和分析。

This paper analyses the theory of constant power control of hydrostatic transmission with secondary regulation whose realizing methods are given.


Application of SA866AE Three-phase PWM Signal Generator in AC/AC FC;2. By existing control question of mineral air compressor and power supply particularity in mine,using Mitsubishi corporation's IPM power module as main circuit component,METEL corporation's SPWM generator SA866AE as wave profile generator,a kind of transducer was designed.

针对矿用空压机控制存在的问题和矿山供电的特殊性,利用三菱公司IPM功率模块作为主电路器件,METEL公司的SPWM发生器 SA866AE 作为波形发生器,设计了一种宽输入电压范围、低成本、高可靠性的变频器,实现了矿用空压机的自动调节功能,节约了能源,提高了供气质量。

The proposed algorithm had the following characteristic: firstly, for various different cross traffic burstiness and load, the algorithm could dynamically tune the length of the probing packet train; secondly, it improved the method of adjusting the rate of the probing packet train, not only it remained the benefit of the fast converge, but also it was more suitable for the burst cross traffic situations; thirdly, improved the algorithm of detecting the OWD trend.


The proposed algorithm had the following characteristic: firstly, for various different cross traffic burstiness and load, the algorithm could dynamically tune the length of the probing packet train;secondly, it improved the method of adjusting the rate of the probing packet train, not only it remained the benefit of the fast converge, but also itwas more suitable for the burst cross traffic situations; thirdly, improved the algorithm of detecting the owd trend.simulation shows that it can measure the avail-bw of the end-to-end path accurately and fast, and it was suitable for the real-time applications.


Because of nitrogen, the value of IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA in grain promoted at seed filling stage and at the mature stage.6、The adjustment of nitrogen levels on carbon and nitrogen metabolism.Nitrogen reduced the C/N in leaves and stem. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the effect on stem was obvious. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, the effect on leaves was obvious. The C/N in roots lower before seed filling stage and the effect was not obvious after seed filling stage.7、Effect of nitrogen levels on yield traitsPlant height, pods per plant and full grain number were increased and bottom-pod height and podded node were decreased by applying nitrogen.

施氮在鼓粒期、成熟期均提高了子粒中IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA的值。6、氮素水平对大豆碳氮代谢的调节施氮降低了叶片和茎秆中C/N的比值,施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,对茎秆作用效果明显,施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,对叶片效果明显;施氮降低了根系鼓粒期前的C/N比值,而鼓粒期后作用效果不明显。7、氮素水平对产量性状的影响施氮增加了大豆的株高、株荚数、饱满粒数,降低大豆的结荚高度、结荚结位。

The present study has demonstrated the pattern of TNF-α and IL-6 expression, has defined the effect of cellular immunity on BMP-induced osteogenesis at the implant site, and has clarified the immunoregulation by BMP subsequent to bone xenografting, thus opening up a new field of molecular immunology associated with bone xenograft, allowing for the search for a more ideal approach to preventing immune rejection and developing a highly effective xenogenous graft material.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
