英语人>网络例句>说话者 相关的搜索结果


与 说话者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Actual X-ray studies of speech illustrate the importance of the articulatory preplanning. Figure 3.14 based on research by hman (1963), shows the position of the tongue at the moments marked by arrows on the accompanying spectrograms. The position and shape of the tongue at the time we hear the stop consonant d is different for various vocalic environments. The same is true of the palatal stop g.

实际利用X光来测试说话的样子,显示出发音前置动作的重要,图表3.14根据hman (1963)的研究,利用有箭头标记的光谱图,来展示每个时间点下舌头的位置,当我们听到塞音子音/d/的时候,发音者的舌头位置和形状与其他母音的发音环境有很大的不同,发出上颚塞音/g/的时候亦是如此。

Fixation. The maintenance of an articulatory or phonatory posture for an abnormal duration; the temporary arresting of the speech muscles in a rigid position.


According to his words, 17 about 11:00 am, he goes out the noodles which buys for the family member noon eats, passed by a computer lottery ticket sale point, although already purchased lottery ticket more than one year, but achievement not good he was not always willingly, saw the wrong side of the door posted goes against gua blows "the touching a stone and turn it into gold" a little not to be able to control, therefore has purchased 100 Yuan lottery tickets first, after not having the big harvest, he decided that bought 100 Yuan to try one's luck again, how hadn't thought that just blew first, a prominent digit presents in him at present, this time he a little hoodwinks, with others speech, has not hurried the lottery ticket to putWent home to the pocket.


There I learned that bullies are usually cowards who act upon their fears and insecurities. I also learned non-confrontational phrases to use in conversation, such as prefacing a statement with "In my opinion."


In some cases these contributors sacrificed their careers in order to speak truth to power.


Jane, I don't like cavillers or questioners, besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent.


Among the powerful news sources, the government officials, at an exclusive advantage, are the primary definers of news event; experts sources appear more and more in the media, but they may often speak on behalf of the government and capital instead of the public. And when the media and journalists become sources in various forms, the offside, absence and dislocation of the media is in sight. Elites sources define the country's key issues through"strategic alliances"in the report, while the public is less and less powerful to affect the media agenda.


A feature extraction method is designed for linear predict vocoders widely used in the communication field. In this method, feature vectors are extracted not from the decoded waveform, but from the bit stream of transmission directly. Specifically for Wideband Adaptive Multi Rate vocoder, we implemented a text-independent speaker verification system.


All stutterers are disfluent, but not all disfluency is stuttering.


It means a tape recording of several dozen voices talking at the same time, used as an antibugging device to make private or secret conversations inaudible to eavesdroppers.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
