英语人>网络例句>语调 相关的搜索结果


与 语调 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The set neck and compensated wraparound bridge/tailpiece provide solid intonation and vibrant resonance.


I got used to his body language, his tempo, his gestures, his voice.


I think that the tone of this article and the points therein are made very well.


They lose themselves in the titillation of language and form; they are infatuated with fragmentary appropriations of the classics; they are infatuated with the emptiness of decline and the passion of desire. As with the Western artists Jan Saudek and Joel-Peter Witkin, 'real-world objects should give up any idea of entering my pictures,' unless they undergo restructuring—by the artist's own taste and proclivities, by an amalgam of memory and fantasy, by a tone of pensive irony, or by seemingly absurd but in fact accurate imagination, thus restructuring the individual's relation to reality. It does not hurt to call these artists' work realism, but it is a kind of 'psychological realism' which 'extracts a deeper level of genuineness from fictive objects.

他们迷恋于语言与形式的快感,迷恋于对文化经典的片断性挪用,迷恋于衰朽的虚无或色欲的激情,与简·索德克、乔·彼得·威金(Joel-Peter Witkin)那样的西方艺术家相似,"现实中的事物永远别想进入画面",除非是经过了他们的重构——以其个人的趣味与癖好,以混合着追忆与幻想、伤感与反讽的语调,以看似荒诞其实准确的想象力,重构了个人与现实之间的关系,你也不妨将他们的作品称之为现实主义,但那是一种"心理现实主义"——"从虚构的事物之中抽取出更深层的真实。"

Linguistic researches have already shown that every language has its own intonation and its own tonal and rhythmic properties.


There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.


If you sound aggressive to the machine, the machine will change tone to calm you down.


Note the speaker's tone of voice and body language to get the full meaning.


The number of tones vary from one tone language to another.


It involves reading other people's body language, their tone of voice, their gestures, and understanding their style of communication.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
