英语人>网络例句>语调 相关的搜索结果


与 语调 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What ' said the Badger, in a very different voice.'My dear Ratty!


"Yes," the Regent told him, softening his tone some, I can understand that much.


No wavering, no relenting, no chop and change, let us be firm to push on with our open policy, be firm to stick at our own pursuit of socialism, let us be assured that our vision will be realized, our goals will be achieved.


Remember to reprimand with the low tone at the same time.


His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.


How to use the intonation of rising and falling rhythmically to attract the audience's attention?


In these artworks, illusive emotions with personal and interesting tones appear natural and casual. The selection of materials has become an attitude. Styles and forms have become the carrier of attitudes. Feelings and experiences are expressed without interpretation. It appropriates and uses, without any moral judge, any claim or any answer for any question. Willfully, subjectively and unfaithfully copying the world, art has an unprecedented lack of need to claim its rightfulness, or to force its audience to understand that the work is about. It even intentionally returns to a kind of naivety. The works seem to be excreted rather than constructed. These are all prominent features of postmodernist creations in a social situation that beholds neoliberalism as the mainstream ideology.


The result of decades of constant conservative pressure from these TV censors is that the general tone of all the entertainment media in China is now unrelentingly laudatory, saccharine and Pollyanna-ish.


Insists that the Psalter is a hymn-book for the congregation assisting at or participating in the sacrificial rite, and as such must contain also liturgical songs intended for individuals who had to bring offerings on certain occasions, others maintain that, while a number of the hymns undoubtedly were of sacerdotal import and, consequently, were intended to be sung in the Temple, many were written for intonation at prayer in the synagogue.

坚持认为, Psalter是赞美诗书为众协助或参与祭天,因此必须包含礼仪歌曲也为个人谁曾使产品在某些情况下,其他人坚持认为,虽然一些人的赞美诗无疑的sacerdotal进口,因此,拟成在圣殿,许多人写的语调在祈祷中的犹太教堂。

From a series of cadence in the language, people can point out the prosodic factors such as light and stress, tone sandhi, pause and intonation.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
