英语人>网络例句>询问 相关的搜索结果


与 询问 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was here, on the morning when Ozma so strangely disappeared from the Emerald City, that Cayke the Cookie Cook discovered that her diamond-studded gold dishpan had been stolen, and she raised such a hue-and- cry over her loss and wailed and shrieked so loudly that many of the Yips gathered around her house to inquire what was the matter.


Ask how at home termite treatment and fly disinfestation, thank you!


Make a survey by asking questions like this:Do you have a computer at home?


He is not being dogmatic but together we are enquiring.


But when asked about writing under a different name my editor said,"When you're Dominick Dunne you can negotiate with Time Warner."

但当在我询问是否可以签不同的名字时也就是签我的真实名字时,我的编辑说:"只有当你是 Dominick Dunne 的时候,你才有权利与时代华纳谈判。"

When I inquired about the nutritional value of my son's snack of donuts, he said, It's health food for the soul!


As the senator and his wife, Cindy, boarded a plane in Phoenix bound for Dayton, Ohio, reporters shouted a barrage of questions at the senator about whether he'd made up his mind. Sen. McCain flashed a double thumbs-up and boarded the plane.


The Double-Barreled Questions: This type of question ask a subject to respond simultaneously to two issues in a single question.


The luminous eyes looked at him doubtfully, to see whether he approved or not.


We ask for a 30 percent down payment.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
