- 与 评价试验 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Taken example for solving real engineering problem, the methods and steps for the analysis of the steering-wheel vibration is discussed.
The adrenocorticotropic hormonestimulation test is a widely accepted method for assessing theadequacy of adrenal function in intensive care units, but itis possible that there may be wide variations in responses tothe test over a short period of time.
Methods: forty eight cases of acute bacteria respiratory or urinary tract infection were iv divided into two groups double blindedly and randomly. the experimental subjects of the two groups were given an injection of gatifloxacin mesylate glucose or hydrochloric acid levofloxacin 200 mg for 7 to 14 days respectively. the curative effect and the adverse reaction were evaluated.
呼吸道或泌尿道急性细菌性感染的门诊或住院患者48例,采用随机盲法对照试验,接受试验药甲磺酸加替沙星葡萄糖注射液或对照药盐酸左氧氟沙星注射液200 mg, bid,静脉滴注,疗程7~14 d,评价其疗效和不良反应。
In this research, many indices of drought resistance during germination stage and seedling stage were chosed to evaluate comprehensively the drought resistance of 20 Dactylis glomerata L. germplasm from abroad.
In this thesis, the engineering property of the frozen earth in the frozen railway roadbed in Anduo section (between DK1561+975-DK1562+530) of Naquhe region of Qinghai-Tibet railway was studied indoor. The change of engineering property of the earth samples with different water content , density and temperature were researched. The influence of concentration of the diffluent salt to the frozen strength was pilot studied. The thermal conductivity of the soil was experimented. With the result and data of the tests, the earth temperature field in Anduo section was demonstrated by numerical analysis, the structure parameter of the spall revetmentd and the rubble berm was given, the stability of the railway roadbed was evaluated.
The tribological behavior of the fluoborate nanoparticles as lubricating oil additive was evaluated by four-ball test machine,where test conditions are following: load 100~ 700 N,rotating speed 1 200 r/min,testing time 10 min.
Test evaluation method of threshold stress of environmental cracking usually adopts NACE method A, refers to the NACE Standard Tensile Test. This test and its relevant data handling are introduced in this paper.
For there were abundant ophicalcite in the dam foundation, the interval of intensity and formation parameters influenced on continuity were determined based on test datum.(6) Especial mould for prismatic jointing model was designed.
Ames test, marrow polychromatophilic erythrocyte micronucleus test and sperm malformation test, etc.
Lastly, in accordance with the actual situations of the prototype structure of mosque pagoda, based on the similar relation of model experiments, a model structure of mosque pagoda with a similar coefficient of 1/10 is designed and fabricated. Earthquake simulating shaking table tests are performed on the model structure of pagoda in the cases the AB type passive control system with SMA dampers is erected or unerected. The leading earthquake responses like the relative drift at the top of the main tower and the small tower, interstory drift ratio, acceleration, and cracking process of the pagodas body etc. are studied. The operational behaviors involving the deformation capacity and energy dissipation capacity is tested for passive control system with SMA dampers under the earthquake excitation, and the corresponding control mechanism and regularity is also analyzed. Furthermore, the performance changes and protection effectiveness is comprehensively evaluated while the model structure of pagoda is seismically protected or not.
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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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