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与 设想的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This vision will then have to be translated physically and aesthetically into a future Opel vehicle.


Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.


Of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure


The artificial flower doctrine that with German botanist Engele is a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm and gymnospermous ball flower agree completely, every stamen and carpel, be equivalent to a male flower that degrades extremely and female flower respectively, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is to come from child plant hemp is yellow kind yellow Ephedra Campylopoda of curved handle hemp, following plan institute are shown, in this tentative idea, the bud of male flower piece turn into perianth, the bud of female flower piece turn into carpel, the small bud of every male flower piece after disappearing, remain a stamen only, female flower small bud piece ovule is remained only after disappearing, ministry of foundations of move unripe Yu Zi.

以德国植物学家恩格勒为代表的假花学说认为被子植物的花和裸子植物的球花完全一致,每个雄蕊和心皮,分别相当于1个极端退化的雄花和雌花,因而设想被子植物是来自棵子植物麻黄类的弯柄麻黄Ephedra campylopoda,如下图所示,在这个设想里,雄花的苞片变为花被,雌花的苞片变为心皮,每个雄花的小苞片消失后,只剩下一个雄蕊,雌花小苞片消失后只剩下胚珠,着生于子房基部。

The earlier wording given by Strasser may be rendered as follows: An apodictic evidence, however, has the signal peculiarity that the certainty of the being of what is beheld in it discloses itself, to a critical reflection, as an absolute unimaginableness of the seen object's non-being and therefore of that object's being dubitable.


If the prevailing assumption is that people are crooks , more and more of them will be crooks.


He not only is our country hybrid rice research founder, also is the our country hybrid rice research chief designer and the most main leaders in a scholarly field. In 1986 he proposed the hybrid rice breeding from three is the law to two is the law to one is the law and uses three development phases from the variety to the subspecies to 远缘杂种 the superiority the strategic tentative plan, this tentative plan has become the domestic and foreign recognitions hybrid rice breeding the guiding ideology.


The idea was two decades ahead of its time, and helped to attach his name to the geostationary orbit above the equator. In 1962, at the chilliest part of the cold war and just after the launch of Sputnik had heralded the space age, he discussed in "Profiles of the Future" the implications of transatlantic satellite radio and television broadcasts, with information raining down on previously isolated parts of the world.


While it would be pleasant to envisage a world free from the pressure of material want, a more realistic projection, based on the evidence, is of a world in which generation after generation thinks it needs only another 10% to 20% more income to be perfectly happy.Needs are limited, but not greeds. Science has developed no cure for


And even before the Wright brothers succeeded in building a heavier-than-air flying machine, the physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla speculated that it would be possible to build a remote-controlled flying bomb—a premonition perhaps of German V-1 flying bombs and modern cruise missiles.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
