英语人>网络例句>设想的 相关的搜索结果


与 设想的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, through the evening of my Number 2 imaginary day of sight, the outstanding fingers of dramatic literature will crowd sleep from my eyes.


However, judging by the current situation of governance, because of the unevenness distribution of international politics resources, different operators have different ability to obtain different level of international resources which are distributed unevenly in mode. Therefore it has resulted in the governance ability of nonstarter operators and hence decided that multi-level global management still remains far from the target of theorists who have proposed a well management mode featured by legitimacy, rule of law, transparency, accountability, responsiveness, effectiveness, participation, stable, honest and fair.


Rubik first envisioned his venerable cube, he imagined intricately machined and assembled pieces of plastic pivoting on six axles, smoothly shifting positions into any of a possible 43 quintillion arrangements of pieces.


About to be stricken blind. I am, however, sure that if you actually faced that


In accordance with what has already been said, we now formulate, as an initial definite question of beginning philosophy, the question whether it is possible for us to bring out evidences that, on the one hand, carry with them - as we now must say: apodictically——the insight that, as ''first in themselves, they precede all other imaginable evidences and, on the other hand, can be seen to be themselves apodictic.


It points out the very special esteem in which this didactic work was formerly held for the purpose for general reading and instruction in church meetings: this book alone, of all the deuterocanonical writings, which are also called Ecclesiastical by Rufinus, has preserved by way of pre-eminence the name of Ecclesiasticus, that is "a church reading book".

它指出的非常特殊的尊重,这种教学工作是原先所设想的用途,一般的阅读和教学中教会会议:这本书本身,所有的deuterocanonical著作,这也要求教会的Rufinus ,保存的方式卓越的名字Ecclesiasticus ,这是一个教堂阅读书籍。

The key factor of creating new thought is much , wide and deep thinking, high agglomerating thinking ability.


The optimism of such lyrics as "Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown" and "Riches more than mind can picture" galvanizes the animals' agitation, but unwavering belief in this lofty rhetoric, as soon becomes clear, prevents the common animals from realizing the gap between reality and their envisioned utopia.

这种乐观的歌词为&暴君人应o'erthrown &和&财富超过铭记可以图片& galvanizes动物的激动,但坚定的信念在这一崇高的言辞,尽快明确,防止动物从共同的实现之间的差距的现实,他们设想的乌托邦。

Conceived by Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and architect Zaha Hadid, the exhibition of works by 20 artists including Daniel Buren, Yoko Ono, and Wim Delvoye, and installed in a handbag-inspired, pod-like structure designed by Hadid, was widely considered one of the most ambitious, if not ostentatious, collaborations between the worlds of art and fashion.

设想的香奈儿设计师卡尔拉格斐和建筑师扎哈哈迪德,展览的作品包括20艺术家丹尼尔布伦,大野洋子和维姆Delvoye ,并安装在一个手袋的灵感,豆荚状结构哈迪德设计的,被广泛认为是最有雄心的,如果不是炫耀,合作关系是世界上的艺术和时装。

My third day of sight is drawing to an end.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
