英语人>网络例句>讲 相关的搜索结果

与 讲 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, in Japan, as the dominant religion has almost no dogmas and proposes neither paradise nor hell, the laws, in order to supplement it, have been made with an extraordinary severity and have been executed with an extraordinary punctiliousness.


There is a clear difference between the northern way of speaking English and the southern way, though each has local variants and each is different from what has been called ' standard English' or ' received pronunciation, which has no regional basis and is spoken by about 3 percent of the people, scattered around the country.

北方人英语的方式与南方人明显不同,各自带有地方变音,而且不同于所谓的"标准英语"或"标准发音"。标准英语在英格兰地区缺乏基础,仅约 3 %的人会,布于全国各地。

This game was twosome.Each one told a story to his partner,then talked about the behavior and his recept of his partner.


The well-worn story of The Home Depot's rise and fall is worth a reprise here.

有关Home Depot's兴起和衰落的故事被人过很多次了,但我觉得在这里有必要再一次。

When one has something to say, it's best to come to the point directly, instead of saying it in a round-about way .


That's why we cannot do without the Four Cardinal Principles, without dictatorship over the saboteur s.


On television, Mister Sagan was a good storyteller. He was able to explain complex scientific ideas in simple ways.


Of these Chios and Erythrae have the same dialect, while Samos possesses a language peculiar to itself.


Statified the period setting of education is in before the education pattern that the convention uses in IT education, locate schoolteaching standard in whether tell clear, student whether understand a society to go up, go up in classroom as far as possible tell more, however the receptacle that the student became knowledge however.


Thinking I will spend the left of my undergraduate time doing this project, I think I will get self-complacent.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
