英语人>网络例句>记忆力 相关的搜索结果


与 记忆力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aluminum could deposit in cerebral cortices and hippocampus, and induce the impairments of spatial learning and memory in rats.


To tease out that relationship, Crout says he will need to study patients over a long period of time, watching for both periodontal disease and memory loss.


"Our hypothesis is that there are inflammatory byproducts that come from the infection that exists in our mouths, particularly with the more advanced form of gum disease," Crout says.


A further study on 65cases of kidney-YIN deficiency syndrome under sub-health status has shown that themain clinical menifetation of kidney-YIN deficiency syndrome under sub-healthstatus are: waist and back being ache, tiredness lack of strength, feeling leg and kneeweak, dry throat, insomnia and dreamful sleep, losing hair, night sweat, constipateion, tinnitus, eye acerbity, feverish sensation in palms and soles, etc.


Objective To explore into the probable mechanism of Alzheimer's diseaseby the acupuncture treatment combined with DGSYS of TCM.Methods Three kinds of model rats with dysmnesia which were made by injected into drug of scopolamine or NaNo 2 in the abdomen separately and injured at the hippocampal CA 1 in brian by drug of quinolinic acid treated by single acupuncture or acupuncture combined with DGSYS of TCM or DGSYS of TCM were observed separately,to compare different influence on dysfunctions of acuquisition and consoli-dation of memory induced by drugs and injure with nimodipineor the normal rats.

通过腹腔注射药物东莨菪碱或亚硝酸钠,或者用奎宁酸损毁大脑海马CA 1 区诱发大鼠发生记忆力障碍,造成不同类型的大鼠&痴呆&模型,对照性观察针刺、针刺加DGSYS、DGSYS及NM对记忆障碍功能的影响和与记忆相关实验指标参数的变化。

Li Zhongren,Shen Meihong,Mu Yanyun,et al.Nanjing University of TCM,Jiangsu210029. Objective To explore into the probable mechanism of Alzheimer's diseaseby the acupuncture treatment combined with DGSYS of TCM.Methods Three kinds of model rats with dysmnesia which were made by injected into drug of scopolamine or NaNo 2 in the abdomen separately and injured at the hippocampal CA 1 in brian by drug of quinolinic acid treated by single acupuncture or acupuncture combined with DGSYS of TCM or DGSYS of TCM were observed separately,to compare different influence on dysfunctions of acuquisition and consoli-dation of memory induced by drugs and injure with nimodipineor the normal rats.

目的 探索临床针刺加当归芍药散治疗阿尔采默氏症的可能机理方法通过腹腔注射药物东莨菪碱或亚硝酸钠,或者用奎宁酸损毁脑海马CA 1 区诱发大鼠发生记忆力障碍,造成不同类型的大鼠&痴呆&模型,对照性观察针刺、针刺加DGSYS、DGSYS及NM对记忆障碍功能的影响和与记忆相关实验指标参的变化。

It's no the memory but the forgetness that comprises one of the necessary living condition we are relying on.


He had a good groatsworth of wit, Stephen said, and no truant memory.


Of constipation, hematochezia, hemorrhoids and oral ulcers there is special effects. C side Bunao: with the elimination of brain fatigue, and enhance memory.


Hyperkinetic disorder ; biofeedback ; intelligence ; attention ; memory


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
