英语人>网络例句>议院 相关的搜索结果


与 议院 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The senate shall be a court, with full authority to hear and determine all impeachments made by the house of representatives, against any officer or officers of the commonwealth, for misconduct and maladminstration in their offices; but, previous to the trial of every impeachment, the members of the senate shall, respectively, be sworn truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question, according to the evidence.

术。。议院应是立法机关的第一家分行,以及参议员人选应以下列方式,即:应在4月meetin的第一个星期一,每年永远每个县的几个镇的居民,这个联合体,被称为由selectmen,并在适当的法律途径警告说,至少在7天前 4月第一个星期一,为选举人员的目的是参议员和议员,并在每个男性居民的这类会议二十一年岁及以上,有一个对六十○磅thevalue永远为业权,应有权给予他的这些地区的居民,他是美国参议员表决。

Every male person being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this commonwealth, for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative or representatives for the said town.术. v. the members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually in the month of may, ten days at least before the last wednesday of that month.术.. the house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.术.. all money bills shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills.

术。。议院应选举,返回最后法官,和自己的成员资格,正如在宪法,并应于上周三5月,每年确定和宣布谁是eah区内选出是参议员由多数票,并在有不得返回的参议员的总人数,由各区民政票多数当选,供应不足,应以下列方式,即:房子的成员代表,例如参议员的应被宣布当选,应作为应发现在这类地区的票数最高的这些人的姓名,并没有当选,相当于两倍的参议员人数的希望,如果有这么许多赞成,并指出,这些应以抽签方式选出的参议员人数不足以填补这些地区的空缺; inthis的方式对所有这些职位空缺,须填写的每一个联邦区设立,并以同样的方式在所有空缺在参议院,由去世而出现的,从国家或其他地方进行,应提供可尽快将这些空缺之后发生。

When the lower chamber is filled with air, the membrane is pushed upwards and the valve is closed.


The Assembly has 108 elected members known as MLAs (Members of the Legislative Assembly).


A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly.


We want to protect the prerogatives of the House as far as the Constitution and we think those materials ought to be returned.


Germany's upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, approved on October 17 a massive financial rescue plan worth nearly 500 billion euros ($685 billion).


An important reason for the renewed worsening of the mood may lie in the fact that at the time of the December survey of GfK, the Vermittlungsausschuss Board consisting of members of the two parliamentary institutions Bundesrat and Bundestag.

一个重要原因,重新恶化的情绪,可能在于,在事实上,在时间, 12月的调查gfk , vermittlungsausschuss (董事会构成的成员,两国议会机构联邦参议院和联邦议院,其目标:调解冲突各方之间在立法决策过程)尚未决定是否会带来的税制改革,提出至2004年1月。

Mr Komorowski is also speaker of the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament. In that capacity, he now becomes acting president.


A health care reform bill put together by a bipartisan group of senators will be unveiled tomorrow.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
