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与 解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A twelve hours revalation of the second coming of Jesus Christ was shown to prophet Goodnews Adolphus as part of the content in the scroll that was given to him by the angel in 1981 to be re-explained to the whole world.


Jesus taught the Pharisees this interpretation:"The Lord (Heb. Yahweh, the personal name of God) said to my Lord (Adonai, who is David's master and King, the Messiah),'Sit at My right hand'."


Adoptionism was an attempt to explain the divine and human natures in Christ and their relation to each other.


Some modern exponents of Adventism define sin as breaking a relationship, and love as so forgiving and tender that it can tolerate disobedience.


In our society such interpretation and enforcement occur primarily through the use of the adversarial system referred to as litigation.


These problems are classified by the author into three categories: The first are the misinterpretation of the connotations and boundary of the old materialism; secondly, the second note in the work is often misinterpreted as belonging to only epistemology, though it, in fact, involves both generative theory and ontology; thirdly, the progressive relationship between "interpreting the world" and "transforming the world" is mistaken as adversative relation.


In this paper,the relation of primary aeration coefficient and NOx emission rates are obtained through mathematical analysis.


All of the F1 call to be the Championship (Chinese:a class equation race car a world championship)of the FIAFormula World",.F1 and World Cup Soccer, Olympic sports games because of influence scope wide, popularity Gao, and be called "world three big sport, F1's race car is the most expensive in the world, speed most quick, science and technology content the tallest sport, included to regard aerodynamicist as principle, plus radio communication, electrical engineering...etc. in the world most the forerunner's technique is a lot of new science and technology can at the beginning practice on the F1.The F is a FORMULA abbreviation, namely equation;1 explanations include a lot, can comprehend for the top car hand, top-class game, cash award etc..

F1的全称是FIAFormula World Championship"(中文:一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛),。F1 与世界杯足球赛,奥林匹克运动会因为影响范围广,知名度高,并称为"世界三大运动,F1赛车是世界上最昂贵、速度最快、科技含量最高的运动,包含了以空气动力学为主,加上无线电通讯、电气工程等世界上最先进的技术很多新的科技都是在F1上得以最初的实践的。F是FORMULA的缩写,即方程式;1的解释有很多,可以理解为顶尖车手,顶级赛事,奖金等等。

I'm not an artist, nor an aesthetician, but I do feel what's left of the statue's missing arms matches nicely with the rest of its body.

然后再写2到3个支持句,对主题句进行解释和论证。这次我们没有什么答案可言,只期待你们秀出自己的 idea !!

It's something I work on from afar," the actor explains."


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
