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与 解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Give out my conclusion that dualists either have to admit that they have used the definition of "explanation" differently to cause such an illusion, or have to admit that there is also an explanatory gap between the empirical science and the physical system.


Chapter 2 introduces some theories of multinational banks, and discusses the rationality of theories for interpreting foreign banks participation in EMEs.


This provision violates the principle of ex post facto law prohibition, so, judicial construction adopted the dichotomy of explanation to confine applying of this article.


No 否 Has there been, or is there currently, pending litigation between you and ANY commodity broker, exchange, state or federal agencies or currency or securities representative If Yes, please explain the details and list the dates of all litigations: If your explanation does not fit here, please attach

您是否有和任何经纪人,交易所,州立或联邦行政机构,货币或证劵交易代理人曾经有过或现时正有尚未结束的法律诉讼?若是,请详细解释及列出所有诉讼日期。若您的解释在此填不下,请另附上一张纸。□ Yes 是□ No 否

However, the New Three People's Principles explained by Sunzhongshan at the first congress of Kuomintang included the contents of the Three People's Principles of the old type, forming the phenomenon of new and old contents' mixing, progress and conservatism's existing side by side, which made it possible for later explainers to choice what they needed.


For though jurists or expositors of the criminal law will certainly speak as I have done up to now , and say that the notion of a man's intention is relevant to his criminal responsibility at many important points , what they refer to is the use by the law of a concept which , though it corresponds at many points to what is ordinarily meant in non-1egal use by intention, cannot be said to be identical with it .

因为虽然法学家或解释刑法的人都显然会象我至今所说的一样来解释,并称人的故意之概念在许多方面[MS2] 都与其刑事责任相关联,但是,他们所指的是法律对 _个[MS3] 概念的运用,这种运用[MS4] 虽然在许多方面都与非法律用法中的故意之普通含义相符合,但两者不能同日而语。

In rabbinical parlance, Midrash has the abstract and general sense of study, exposition of Scripture, while Midrashim are primarily the free and artificial explanations of the Sacred Text given by its ancient expositors, and secondarily the collections of such explanations in the shape of commentaries on Holy Writ.

在犹太教里, midrash有抽象和一般意义上的研究,论述的经文,而米大示,主要是自由和人工解释神圣文本赋予其古老expositors ,其次才是收藏的这些解释,在形状评神圣的令状。

What the labor participation rate depends on is explained by economists by all kinds of theories from the angle of individual and family,including wage change rate,family time arrangement,tax-cut policy,rational expectation and so on.


This explanation fays in with the one he has just made.


Toward the end of 2004, we watched our monthly five-figure income dwindle to almost nothing.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
