英语人>网络例句>解释 相关的搜索结果


与 解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Various explanations have been considered, but the most plausible is that wives provide more social support than husbands.


2 Aids to Interpretation In these Terms and Conditions and in the Contract Details, unless the contrary intention appears; words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa; a reference to any one of an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, authority, trust or government includes any other of them; the headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation; a reference to any instrument (such as a deed, agreement or document) is to that instrument (or, if required by the context, to a part of it) as amended, notated, substituted or supplemented at any time and from time to time; a reference to a Party is a reference to a party to the Agreement and includes that Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns; a reference to a clause or attachment is to a clause (including sub-clause, paragraph, sub-paragraph or further subdivision of a clause) or attachment of or to these Terms and Conditions; a reference to any legislation or legislative provision includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of, or substitution for, and any subordinate legislation under, that legislation or legislative provision; where an expression is defined, another part of speech or grammatical form of that expression has a corresponding meaning; a reference to "US$" or "US Dollars" is a reference to the currency of the United States of America.

1.2艾滋病的解释在这些条款和条件,并在合同中的细节,除非相反的意图似乎;的话指的奇异包括复数,反之亦然;提及的任何一个个人,公司,合伙,合营,协会,主管部门或政府的信任,包括任何其他人;标题只是为了方便起见,并且不影响解释;一个参考的任何文书,是该文书的(或者,如果所要求的背景下,一个它的一部分)修订, notated ,取代或补充,在任何时间,从不时;一个参考一党是一个参考,以协议的当事方和包括党的执行者,管理者,继承人和允许的受让人;一个参考的条款或附件,是一条第(包括子第,段,分段或进一步细分的一个条款),或扣押,或这些条款和条件;一提到任何立法或立法条文包括任何法定修改或重新制定的,或替代,以及任何附属法例下,即立法或立法条文;在1表达的定义是,另一部分言论或语法形式的表达有一个相应的意义;中提到&美元&或&美元&是一个参考的货币美利坚合众国。

And I thought I should explain before I just paraded you out for everyone to see.


This explains Ms Merkel's Germany-first approach to the single currency; and the reluctance of other leaders to match pieties about Europe's role in the world with anything resembling common policies.


He has diligently tested most of the explanations proffered for Chicago's falling crime rate and has been able to rubbish most of them.


For example, it is sometimes argued (e.g., Rey 1995) that there is no reason to postulate qualia, since they are not needed to explain behavior; but this argument presupposes that only behavior needs explaining.

例如,有时[有人(Rey 1995)]会说没有理由假定感受质,因为它们无需用来解释行为,但这论证预设了仅有行为需要解释

Williams's critique of utilitarianism has spawned a large and important literature in which the argument has been interpreted and reinterpreted, redrafted, and much criticized.


Any of these considerations may require that the past be reinterpreted in a manner that is new and more illuminating.

B。 混淆选项。根据最后一个句子,可知原文的意思是过去以一种新的且更加明确的方式被重新解释,而不是因为明确的解释而被经常更新。

If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a Party's economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Parties shall promptly consult and decide whether to continue to implement this Agreement in accordance with the original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions of the Contract of Law of the People's Republic of China ; or to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Party's economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favourable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted, amended, repealed or so interpreted or implemented.


If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a Party's economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Parties shall promptly consult and decide whether to continue to implement this Agreement in accordance with the original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China; or to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Party's economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted, amended, repealed or so interpreted or implemented.

如果, 在签署这个协议以后,中国政府或者在状态,省,市政或地方水平采取任一新法律,章程,旨令或规则,赔偿或撤销任一法律任一个供应,章程,旨令或规则,或采取任一法律的实施任一个另外解释或方法,章程,旨令或规则,哪些违反这个协议或物质哪些和有害地影响一个Party。。s 经济好处根据这个协议,然后在书面通知因此从受影响的党对另一党,党将咨询和及时地决定是否继续实施这个协议与原物符合provisions 因此正如每People。。s 中华民国的合同法律的相关的供应;或完成必要的调整为了保存各个Party。。s 经济好处根据这个协议根据依据没有较不有利比它会接受如果这样的法律的经济好处,章程,旨令或规则未被采取,修正,撤销或如此解释或实施。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
