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与 解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the same sense according to the ancient interpretation are explained the two pillars Boaz and Jachin; the Rosecroix (a cross with a rose in the centre); the point within the circle; the "vesica piscis", the well-known sign for the Saviour; the triple Tau; Sun and Moon; Hiram and Christ; the coffin; the Middle Chamber and even the Sancta Sanctorum, as adyta or most holy parts of each temple, usually contained hideous objects of phallic worship.

在同一意义上根据古代解释解释的两大支柱波阿斯和Jachin ;的Rosecroix ;点的圆圈内的&阳南鱼&,众所周知签署的救世主;三头;太阳和月亮;西贡和基督;棺材;中东厅,甚至圣Sanctorum ,作为adyta或最神圣的地方的每一个寺庙,通常载骇人听闻的物体的阳具崇拜。

In the same sense according to the ancient interpretation are explained the two pillars Boaz and Jachin; the Rosecroix (a cross with a rose in the centre); the point within the circle; the "vesica piscis", the well-known sign for the Saviour; the triple Tau; Sun and Moon; Hiram and Christ; the coffin; the Middle Chamber and even the Sancta Sanctorum, as adyta or most holy parts of each temple, usually contained hideous objects of phallic worship.

〕在同样的责任感,根据古代的解释解释的两大支柱,波阿斯和叫雅斤; rosecroix ( 1两岸与玫瑰在该中心内);点的圆圈;&膀胱piscis &,著名的注册为救星;三重头;太阳和月亮;西贡和基督;棺材;中东会议厅,甚至sancta sanctorum ,作为adyta或最神圣的部分,每个庙,通常载有丑恶的对象phallic崇拜。

Durham expounds allegorically only when he has reason to think that it is an allegory that he is expounding.


Durham expounds allegorically only when he has reason to think


Human language in Scripture is examined not only allegorically and analogically, but also through the interpretation of words and letters according to their numerical equivalents, and by interchanging numerical equivalents new letters and words could be created, thereby allowing for new interpretations.

人类语言的圣经审查不仅allegorically和analogically ,而且还通过解释词和字母根据其数值当量,并交换数值等同新的字母和字可以建立,从而使新的解释

By analyzing the data of Flax regional trail from 2005 to 2006 with AMMI model, the linear regression only to captures 56.91% of G×E interaction SS, but three main significant axes capture 96.53% of G×E interaction SS.


I would paraphrase: the human mind does its best job of interpreting when it denies its own autonomy and "thinks analogically."


I would paraphrase: the human mind does its best job of interpreting when it denies its own autonomy and "thinks analogically."


Perhaps our talk of minds and their contents and our practice of explaining behavior by reference to mental goings-on are simply remnants of primitive animistic forms of explanation.


As would Husserl, Conrad approaches the so-called "attack" with an openness and a respect for the truly apodictic (the compellingly present to the viewer) that does not initially seek explanations or theories but follows the spirit of Wittgenstein's admonition:"Describe, don't explain."

当会之时 Husserl,康拉德用一\ 开着和的敬意接近所谓的&攻击&那真正 apodictic 那不最初寻求解释或理论但是追从 Wittgenstein 的警告的精神:&描述,不解释。&

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
