英语人>网络例句>解释 相关的搜索结果


与 解释 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There's gonna be some trouble A whole house will need re-building And everyone I love in the house Will recline on an analyst's couch quite Soon Your Father cracks a joke And in the usual way Empties the room Tell all of my friends (I don't have too many Just some rain-coated lovers' puny brothers) Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt Rush to danger Wind up nowhere Patric Doonan - raised to wait I'm tired again, I've tried again, and Now my heart is full Now my heart is full And I just can't explain So I won't even try to Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt Every jammy Stressford poet Loafing oafs in all-night chemists Loafing oafs in all-night chemists Underact - express depression Ah, but Bunnie I loved you I was tired again I've tried again, and Now my heart is full Now my heart is full And I just can't explain So I won't even try to Could you pass by ?

麻烦要来了整个房子都要重建里面每一个我爱着的人就要走向精神分析师的长椅上帝开了个玩笑照例屋子空了告诉我所有的朋友没有多少,只有我穿雨衣的爱人他们弱小的兄弟) Dallow,Spicer,Pinkie,Cubitt 奔向险地一无所获 Patric Doonan--从小到大都在等着我又厌倦了,我又试了现在我的心是满的现在我的心是满的我没法解释所以我都不去试一下 Dallow,Spicer,Pinkie,Cubitt 每一个走运的抑郁之城的诗人整宿营业的药店里游荡的傻子整宿营业的药店里游荡的傻子你们不动声色---带着抑郁但是Bunni我是爱过你的我又厌倦了我又试了现在我的心是满的现在我的心是满的我没法解释所以我都不去试一下你会路过吗?

A If an undiscussed but clearly forcing noncompetitive four-notrump bid might logically be interpreted as more than one of these alternatives, the priority order of interpretation is


Five notrump : If an undiscussed but clearly forcing noncompetitive five-notrump bid might logically be interpreted as more than one of these alternatives, the priority order of interpretation is


This may explain many unexplainable events over the last few years.


We can think of each observation as being made up of an explained part, and an unexplained part.


This paper has the opinions that the criminal's state of mind can be deliberate intention or unpremeditation, the term "victim" should be strictly interpreted as the property holder or someone has special relationship with the property holder, the relation between robbery and "serious wounds and death" should be direct relation, the judicial interpretion released by the Suprem Court is also analyzed in this paper but it's believed that it's not reasonable and scientific, the ceasing state of "serious wounds and death caused by robbery" should take the criminal's state of mind and other factors into consideration.


Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article.


Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.

虽然这是很大的争议,人们称之为小说谁也远远牵强的解释是什么原因导致实际vampirism ,这就是为什么我接受这个解释,而不是他们

The special geometric restrictions like parallelism andperpendicularity implicated in vanishing elements are deeply studied. In single-view case,the theory is presented to interpret relationship between two planar lines by applying 3Dinvariants of vanishing points. In two-view case, the method on extraction vanishing pointof an arbitrary spatial line is described, and moreover, the theory is presented to interpretrelationship between two elements in 3D space, such as two lines, two planes, line andplane, and so on.


The geology research of carbonate reservoirs in Ordovician of Tahe oilfield showed that many large dissolved vugs and fractures were developed. The spread of the reservoir take on a very heterogeneous state. And the typical fractured-vuggy reservoirs was formed. According to the combination of the various spaces, the formation was divided into vuggy formation, fractured-vuggy formation and fractured formation. The research showed that development of the vug is relevant to the its position on the structure, the fractures, the water surface and the weathering surface. Multi-phase charge and recharge of the oil in the reservoirs resulted in the complexity of the fluid distribution. So the"Bottle Model"was brought forward to explain the movement of the water-oil contact. The special storage space and the complex fluid distribution lead to the unstability of the production and the complexity of the water cut. In order to explain the characteristic of the fracture-vug unit was brought forward and the basic principle and method of the partition of the fracture-vug unit was formed. The classification and evaluation of the units were performed according the reserve and energy. Based on the research of geology characteristic and the fluid flow in the reservoir the comprehensive numerical simulation plan of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs were established. Through the selection of the simulation unit, fluid flow type and parameter equivalent the triple media reservoir simulation model was established. Considering the practical application the model was resolved by the DKR decomposition conjugate grads method. Based on the fine reservoir description of Dsitrict IV of the Tahe oilfield the various space type were classified and combined together. The geology model of Unit S48 was constructed. Two typical single well model was established according to the geology and the dynamic phenomena. Finally the single well model and the Unit S48 were simulated by the triple media reservoir simulator. Via the local grid refinement and coarsening in the simulation good matchs were gained. Based on the results of the simulation the reserve distribution, percent of reserve produced in various space and the natural energy were analyzed. The fluid was storaged in the fractures and vugs mostly and more than 90% the produced oil came from the systems. The energy belonged to the active one. The results of simulation accorded with the fact and showed the validity and practicability the research and the simulator.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
