英语人>网络例句>解析式 相关的搜索结果


与 解析式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on detailed mathematical model of the heat and mass transfer processes in packed-type counterflow liquid desiccant systems, a set of linear ordinary differential equations describing the transfer processes is obtained by some appropriate simplications.


Extended the semi-analytical finite element method into the Dugdale model of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, the analytical elements based on the Dugdale model of mode Ⅰ and mode Ⅱ crack are constructed. The formulas for the stiffness matrices and load vectors of analytical elements are deduced.


Because of the fact that there exists a mathematical identity between the statically indeterminate moments in the compatibility equation and the fiber stresses in the equation of eccentrically loaded columns, in analyzing singly-connected rigid frames with degree of redundancy not more than 3, it is usually possible to use the familiar formula for short columns eccentrically loaded to analyse the indeterminate moments, which is called the column analogy.


Theequivalence percolation resistance law is accurate enough to be used in productivitycalculation of horizontal well pattern.(3) Productivity of mixed well pattern of horizontalwell or multilateral horizontal well and vertical well is constructed and formulae are simpleenough to be used in the oilfield. The patterns include 5-spot pattern,7-spot pattern and9-spot pattern.(4) Productivity formula of united rectangular well pattern of horizontaland vertical wells is constructed. By this formula, the calculation results show that fora horizontal well length, there is a shape factor at which the productivity of the patternis biggest. So optimum method of the well pattern is proposed.(5) A new concept ofdimensionless length of horizontal well is advanced and the relationship of optimum shapefactor of the rectangular well pattern against dimensionless length of horizontal well ispresented. The influences of length of the horizontal well, area of the well pattern unitand the thickness of reservior are concerned.

利用该公式计算表明:当水平井长度一定时,存在一个最优井网形状,使得水平井的产能最大,在此基础上提出了水平井井网的优化方法;(5)提出了水平井无因次长度的概念,给出了联合井网最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系式,并对水平井长度、油层厚度及井网面积对产能的影响进行了分析;(6)推导出了一无限水平井井排在XY 平面内势的解析解,为不同水平井整体开发井网或水平井和直井井网整体开发渗流理论的研究奠定了理论基础;(7)建立了交错式水平井与直井整体开发渗流理论,给出了拟三维条件下井网产能的精确解析解及该井网最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系,并对产能的影响因素进行了分析;(8)建立了水平井与水平井正排列井网、交错排列井网条件下渗流理论及井网产能在拟三维条件下的精确解析解,给出了交错井网条件下最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系,通过与正方形井网对比,说明优化井网可大幅度提高开采效果;(9)建立了分支水平井和直井面积井网水油两相非活塞驱替条件下渗流问题的解析解,给出了见水前后无因次产量与无因次时间的关系式以及见水时间等。

The solutions were found to be good agrees with experimental results. The transfer characteristic of air dry/wet bulb temperature and spraying water temperature were discussed. The LMTD method based on this mathematical model is applicable to design and verify for the plate wet air cooler. The ratio of the wet bulb heat transfer coefficient to the heat transfer coefficient under air-cooled conditions was investigated theoretically and experimentally. The relative errors of the ratio between theoretical and experimental valves are small than 7 percent.


According to the structural analysis, these have been divided into several composed types such as bedding ductile shear zone, Alpinotype folds, Mt Jura-type folds, transition shear zone, obduction nappe structure and horst-graben structure.


Analyzing the calculating process of belt conveyor with high angle theoretically, starting from its theoretic calculate the cross sectional area of materials and peripheral force, shaft power of drum, power of motor, using point by point method to get the resultant strain of every drum and torsion of driving drum, calculating the maximum strain and the maximum reverse stopping torque, to give the support on theory for using belt conveyor with super-long distance, high angle under the coal mine.


This paper presents the explicit expression of geodesic equation on a paraboloids of revolution using differential geometry which avoids the complexity of geodesic ray tracing by numerical approach.


The main contents and fruits:(1) We got the theory formula of the frequency domain of the 3D any-angle fault for applying to simulate the gravity anomaly of the fault.


Based on the mathematical model and the Romberg numerical integrating algorithm, an array with 40 sets of data was obtained to describe the aspheric surfaces. By fitting the data with the method of the nonlinear least square, the sag's analytical equations of aspheric surfaces were obtained.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
