英语人>网络例句>解析式 相关的搜索结果


与 解析式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The problem of sub-Riemannian geodesics is a Lagrange problem with constraint. How to describe the constraint condition "γ'∈ D, a. e." is a difficult problem.


of martingale was used to analyze the analytical formula of ruin probability and its upper bound estimation.


A mathematical formula is based on the relationship between solution concentration and refraction angle.


This paper gives the analysis formulas and correction algorithms for influence on thesystem error, Observational Gross Error and the noise correlation, which enriches theKalman filter theory, and at the same time raises the capabilities of kinematicpositioning and navigation.


Then, the analytical expressions of average susceptibilities for Pauli paramagnetism of the system in different temperature region are derived by calculating susceptibilities Xp in the limit of thermodynamics at different temperatures.


First, sweep line algorithm is used to find fill regions of each tile on the layout. Secondly, the fill regions are classified according to the criticality of the surrounding net segments. Then the fill amount of each fill region is reassigned based on its class.


The simulation of RIN based on the rate equations and the comparison with the theoretical result are performed.


Now,self-excitation conditions are mathematical formulas under certain postul a te.The model of transient process of self-excitation is linear.


The last part of this paper treated the results with the assistance of spline function and Nth-degree harmonics cam approximate. Thus, the new function of tappet, speed and accelerated speed was gained and the whole designing process was completed.


In order to analyze and correct this effect, the method to calculate turn-off time is given. According to theoretical TEM response of multiturn loop source, TEM response affected by linear and half-sine turn-off current was calculated, and Taylor's series expansion was used by calculating TEM response of half-sine turn-off current. The two mode's responses, linear mode's response and half-sine mode's response, were analyzed in turn-off time 2μs-100μs.

为了分析和校正这种影响,文中给出了关断时间的计算方法,根据多匝回线源产生的瞬变场理论解析式,计算了线性和半正弦关断电流影响下瞬变场表达式,计算半正弦关断电流产生的瞬变场时将正弦函数进行泰勒展开;分析了关断时间在2 μs~100 μs之间两种关断模式产生的瞬变响应。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
