英语人>网络例句>解析式 相关的搜索结果


与 解析式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on its exact kinematic analysis and by applying the power equation of kinetic energy theorem,its balance analysis is given,and the exact analytical expression for computing crank axle torque is obtained.


For understanding the workability and precision of these prediction equations, at first this study not only simulates the MHs of Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshung cities and Kao-ping area but also compares these results with meteorological models of CLAMET and TPAQM. And the comparisons show the high correlation (up to 0.8) between them. When the results of MH prediction equations model are compared with TPAQM, they get higher or lower values than TPAQM. The reasons are that Holzworth method can not concern about the warm and cold advections effect and the upper air data used do not get enough finer space-spread. About the results spread on the domain of my model, they show more different MH fields between the land and the sea around and get more sharply change of the land MHs on daytime than TPAQM.

为了解此预测式之可行性及准确度,本研究针对台北、台中、高雄及高屏地区作混合层高度值的模拟,并将模拟结果与实际观测值、CALMET气象模组及光化学轨迹模式输出结果作比对,结果显示均有0.80以上之高相关性;但与TPAQM计算结果间有明显的高估或低估现象,此为Holzworth method无法考量温度平流效应对混合层发展之影响及探空资料空间解析度不足所致;而在空间分布上,本模式所计算的混合层高度场相较於TPAQM在海陆分布上有较明显的分野,且更能够显示出内陆地区混合层高度的日变化。

In this paper, in accordance with Biacob plate-bending theory, analytical solutions of bending problems of rectangular plates are presented.


As a first step to industrialize this focusing coal liquefaction technology, it is essential to study the multiphase transport characteristics of this new type reactor. In this paper, mass transfer and mixing characteristics of a three-phase continuous loop reactor with a concentric draft tube were measured by the dynamic dissolved oxygen and saturated KCl solution pulse trace methods,with glass beads as solid phase, air as gas phase and tap water as liquid phase, respectively.

本文在同心内置Φ 0.14×1.5m导流筒的Φ 0.2×2.5m有机玻璃环流反应器中,以空气和水为气、液相,玻璃珠为固相,分别利用动态溶氧法与饱和KCl脉冲示踪法测量了液相体积传质系数和轴向分散系数,考察了表观气速、进料浆速、固含率、固相颗粒直径、液相表面张力以及操作方式对上述两个传递参数的影响规律,并将实验结果关联为量纲为1关联式;同时,根据环流反应器的结构特点,建立了传质系数分区模型和轴向分散系数分区模型且分别获得了解析解,对床层传质和混合的不均匀性做了理论分析。

We can estimate the quantum mobility according to the expression of SdH oscillations. At the transition point, the relation μB ~ 1 is still valid, which represents a necessity of well-separated Landau bands in the energy spectrum.

根据SdH震荡的数学式,我们可以估计二维电子的量子迁移率,并发现μB ~ 1的关系式在相变点依然成立,此显示能谱上不同蓝道能带间之可解析的必要性。

The distribution, host and geometric shape feature of vein-bearing fault structural belts, auriferous quartz and gold orebodies in gold orefield, ore-control regularity of Xiao qinling gold deposit are briefly discussed.


The potential energy contours describe the structure character of PdPb2 ground state molecule rightly. Furthermore, molecular static reaction pathway based on this potential energy function is investigated.

使用多体展式理论导出了势函数中的参数进而给出PdPb2分子基态势函数的解析表达式,其势能面准确地复现了PdPb2分子的两个稳定构型( C 2 V 和 C ∞ v )及其能量关系。

An explicit analytical solution of 1-D unsteady perfect gas flow with shock and areachange is derived.


It consists of a traveling-wave semiconductor optical amplifier, a wavelength selecting element, an optical coupler and in-line optical isolators. All of the components in the setup are fiber pigtailed and commercially available. We have solved the wavelength-dependent rate equation applicable to the FRSLs.


We used different methods to calculate luminosity in order to assure its reliability. Structure function method is adopted to derive the radiatively corrected cross section whose accuracy is up to 1%. The corrections from vacuum polarization and effect of energy spread are also studied. The final analytical approximation formulaes of the observed cross sections are worked out. Different fitting methods are carried out to fit the resonances according to different requests.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
