英语人>网络例句>解析式 相关的搜索结果


与 解析式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By using the coefficient estimation of Taylor expansion, we obtain an estimate of the n-th derivatives for bounded analytic functions.


For technical reasons, the method requires the eigenvalues of the solutions at their fixed point is off the unit circle or lies on the unit circle with the Diophantine condition.


The swing mechanism of a rocking mixer is analyzed using the computational software Matlab and vector equation analysis.


Two sets of algebraically explicit analytical solution are derived for the partial differential equation set describing the one-dimensional unsteady gas-liquid two-phase flow.


The micro actuator's static state characteristic by static electric force is analyzed in detail. The steady balance position's existing condition is educed while the moving pole move with linear displacement, and the relationship between driving voltage and the moving pole's line displacement is presented. The adsorption voltage by which the moving pole is adsorbed to fixed pole is exported. The resolution method of the pole cornual displacement's static state characteristic is opened out.


The fourth chapter talks about the weft carrier, in this part, we mostly introduce the big gripper shuttle in the comparative way and not only analyze the structure but also analyze the stress of the fatigable parts. In the fifth chapter, the shuttle box is our research emphasis, we start with the design principle and analyze its structure and the logic of the action of the parts. The sixth chapter discusses the shoot mechanism, builds its theory model and analyzes its law of motion from the view of kinematics and kinetics during the wefting. And then, we can consider the hydraulically shoot mechanism and comprehend its principle and some special parts. Subsequently, the content is about the flying of a shuttle, because the course of the flying of a shuttle is very complex, it is necessary to study the shuttle according to mechanics and to analyze its course of motion and its change of speed from the view of energy.


In this thesis, an all-digital phase-locked loop with large multiplication factor is presented. This circuit can be applied to the video system as a clock generator. It receives the horizontal synchronous signal from the graphics card and then generates a high frequency pixel clock according to the monitor resolution setting to acquire the video signal data. The stability of this sampling clock affects the display image quality directly. If the pixel clock is not stable, the display image will be glittering or jittering.


In this research, a 10-bit 80 MS/s pipelined ADC will be presented.

解析度10位元、取样频率80 MS/s的导管式类比数位转换器将会在此研究中实现。

In CoreIDRAW, images, photos must be in TIFF stalls format, CMYK mode input, the input of the format PSD stalls, all of the input image, shadow and the separation of landing, filter using transparency colouring OWERCLIP materlal methododlogy, of CoreIDRAW in you go on a dot-matrix diagram (color CMYK32 bit resolution to 300 dpi, antialiasing compensation transparent background color description stalls used are tick).


When based on dual wavelength chromatographic data analysis, a new method, namely dual wavelength characteristic information analysis, used for the base line correction, determination of number of components and region of pure components signal.

但色谱峰的重叠给多组分的同时分析带来了困难,因此针对色谱重叠峰的解析提出了不少方法,如曲线拟合、神经网络、小波变换、窗口因子分析、直观推导式演进特征投影分析等 [1~ 7] 。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
