英语人>网络例句>解析式 相关的搜索结果


与 解析式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the Bou ssinesq assumption, a coupled equation o f free surface displacement and horizonta l velocities is derived for the horizont al irrotational flow, and so is the anal y tical expression of the corresponding p r essure and vertical velocity.

本文在水平无旋及 Boussinesq假设之下,导出了水面变化与水平速度场耦合方程组,以及相应的压力与垂向速度解析表示式。

The moment of inertia calculation of closed binary impeller by analytic and discrete method is introduced.


The problem of solving the matrix equation AX-EXY=BY is studied in this paper. Firstly, a complete general parametric expression for satisfying this equation is obtained.


The polarization scattering matrice s for the fields scattered by the spherical bodywith complete polarization plane wave illuminating on them are presented using analytic meth-od.


Based on the theory and experiments, the paper builds up the simplified mathematical model of the servo control system, deduces the system control rigidity expression, and points out the method to improve control rigidity. According to Routh stability criterion, the analytic stability condition is solved, which shows the conflict between the stability and control rigidity and that gyroscope is the key factor of the conflict.


Analytic, interpretative, or critical literary composition, usually dealing with its subject from a limited and often personal point of view. The essay has been the vehicle of literary and social criticism for some, while for others it could serve semipolitical, nationalistic, or polemical purposes and could have a detached, playful, earnest, or bitter tone.

散文 解析,说明或批评式的文学作品,通常从一个有限的和个人的角度出发对主题进行处理,对某些人来说,散文是文学和社会批评的工具,对其他人来说,散文带有部分政治的、民族主义的或是辩论的目的,语调可超然,可嬉笑,可真挚,亦可苦闷。

Application and development of platelet transpiration cooling technology in LRE;2. The Computation and Analysis of Heat Transfer of Platelet Cooled Microchannel on the High Temperature and High Pressure Gas Wall;3. Physical-mathematic model is built for the process of evaporation and combustion of the two interactive arbitrary size semisphere pearly transpiration droplets in platelet hole structure under micro-gravity condition.


In chapter 4,on the basis of chapter 3,a new formulation of hybrid/mixedsingular plate element based on Reissner's plate theory is set up,and 4-node arbitraryquadrilateral hybrid/mixed singular bending plate element formulas including theeffects of transverse shear deformation is derived,then by the use of this method,alarge quantity of numerical computations are carried out,at the same time,the resultsare compared with theoretical solutions and the results obtained by other singularfinite element methods.

第四章 在第三章的基础之上,建立基于Reissner型板理论之上的杂交/混合奇异板单元列式,推导出了考虑剪切效应的四节点任意四边形杂交/混合奇异弯曲板单元公式,并进行了大量的数值计算,同时与理论解析解和其它有限元解进行了比较,计算结果表明:本文提出的杂交/混合奇异板单元方法是可以用于计算含裂纹平板弯曲应力强度因子的一种高效、可靠、简便易行的方法。

Most composite schemes switch the compressive scheme and high resolution scheme with a switching function about the slope of the interface in order to overcome the above problem.


It was supposed that the dynamic moving process of the stock price and the return was driven by Geometry Brownian Motion and the lognormal distribution respectively. Takinginto account the riskneutral environment, we got a closedform analytical formula for deferred arithmetic asian options by the method of Taylor expansion of the stochastic integral formula within the terminal payoff. Furthermore, with the series definition of the definite integral, we transferred the continuous problem into a discrete one which is simpleenough to figure out. Meanwhile we tested the accuracy of the formula with the Monte Carlo simulation as a benchmark and the result shows that the formula can be utilized to price the related financial derivatives.

在标的价格服从几何布朗运动、收益服从对数正态分布的前提下,通过风险中性定价原理,对到期损益中的随机积分进行任意次Taylor近似,并由级数定义将此连续问题离散化,给出了延期算术平均亚式期权封闭形式的解析定价公式,并与Monte Carlo模拟得到的价格作为标尺对得到的公式进行精确性检验,结果表明,所得公式可以应用到金融实务中对此类衍生品定价中。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
