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与 装订 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And when she buries a Man, that action concernes me: All mankinde is of one Author, and is one volume; when one Man dies, one Chapter is not torne out of the booke, but translated into a better language; and every Chapter must be so translated; God emploies several translators; some peeces are translated by age, some by sicknesse, some by warre, some by justice; but Gods hand is in every translation; and his hand shall binde up all our scattered leaves againe, for that Librarie where every booke shall lie open to one another: As therefore the Bell that rings to a Sermon, calls not upon the Preacher onely, but upon the Congregation to come; so this Bell calls us all: but how much more mee, who am brought so neere the doore by this sicknesse.


It's helpful to find new outlets for the jittery physical energy of Virgo, such as crafts, gardening, martial arts, penning snail mail, book binding, yoga, tending to animals, volunteering, tree-hugging, giving and receiving massage, independent research, purifying in a sauna or hot tub, visiting a sacred place, creating an altar, researching enviro-toxins, home re-organizing, restorative nature projects, regular exercise, ritual cleansing, detoxing mind, body and spirit, and reaching for a new level of well-being.

这有助於找到新的出路紧张体力的处女座,如手工艺,园艺,武术,潘宁蜗牛邮件,书籍装订,瑜珈,趋向於动物,志愿服务,树拥抱,提供和接受按摩,独立的研究,净化在桑拿或热水浴盆,访问一个神圣的地方,创造了一个祭坛,研究环保毒素,家庭重新组织,恢复性的项目,经常运动,礼仪清洗, detoxing思想,身体和精神,并达到了一个新的水平福祉。

When binding, the document hasn't been put trimly that make some paper haven't been bound.


Production costs are fairly high as books can be typeset in one location, printed in a second and bound in a third, many of these in continental Europe.


In addition, by adding some attachments, such as Starbinder30-bookbiding line is accompanied by a ultrared intermediate dryers and high frequency dryer, extending the use of the feature.


The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.


The unadorned skin of a hairless animal, the species unprovable, forms the binding.


Wallace said several experts spent Tuesday analyzing only that page — the number of letters on each line, lines on each page, size of page — and the book's binding(16) and cover, which he described as "leather velum(17), very thick wallet in appearance."


And most of all, he bought the run-down Gordon Arms Hotel and totally restored it, transforming it from a mess into a glorious first-class hotel with 30 handsomely furnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs, false bookshelves with fake leather books and an outstanding restaurant.


And most of all,"Lord Williams" bought the run-down Gordon Arms Hotel and totally restored it, transforming it from a mess into a glorious first-class hotel with 30 handsomely furnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs, false bookshelves with fake leather books and an outstanding restaurant.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
