英语人>网络例句>装满 相关的搜索结果


与 装满 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do they use that gray matter to the fullest?


On one branch there hung little nets cut out of colored paper, and each net was filled with sugarplums; and among the other boughs gilded apples and walnuts were suspended, looking as though they had grown there, and little blue and white tapers were placed among the leaves.


Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence.

那时诞生了很多值得记录的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微软高层如何策动一场对企鹅进攻,却在万圣节前夜破产;盖茨如何陷入律师的困境同时被他过去的盟友——Media的使徒出卖并送上绞架;贪婪的Red Hat爵士如何将企鹅推进公司的深渊;以及Gnome和KDE如何手足相残。凡此种种都被记载在《圣经》的《企鹅之书》和《四代记》中。我想,如果将它们全部写下来,足够装满一堆DVD。如同Usenet新闻组一样深邃而危险。1。 crucified,指在十字街上钉死。是长时间以来深受欧洲人喜爱的死刑执行方法。

Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence.

那时诞生了很多值得记录的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微软如何通过套件策动一场对企鹅进攻,却在万圣节前夜破产;盖茨如何陷入律师的困境同时被他过去的盟友——Media的使徒出卖并送上绞架;贪婪的Red Hat爵士如何将企鹅推进公司的深渊;以及Gnome和KDE如何手足相残。凡此种种都被记载在《圣经》的《企鹅之书》和《四代记》中。我想,如果将它们全部写下来,足够装满一堆DVD。如同Usenet新闻组一样深邃而危险。译注:1。 crucified,指在十字街上钉死。是长时间以来深受欧洲人喜爱的死刑执行方法。

Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence.

那时诞生了很多值得记录的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微软如何通过套件策动一场对企鹅进攻,却在万圣节前夜破产;盖茨如何陷入律师的困境同时被他过去的盟友——Media的使徒出卖并送上绞架;贪婪的Red Hat爵士如何将企鹅推进公司的深渊;以及Gnome和KDE如何手足相残。凡此种种都被记载在《圣经》的《企鹅之书》和《四代记》中。我想,如果将它们全部写下来,足够装满一堆DVD。如同Usenet新闻组一样深邃而危险。1。 crucified,指在十字街上钉死。是长时间以来深受欧洲人喜爱的死刑执行方法。

Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence.

那时诞生了很多值得记录的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微软高层如何策动一场对企鹅进攻,却在万圣节前夜破产;盖茨如何陷入律师的困境同时被他过去的盟友—— Media 的使徒出卖并送上绞架;贪婪的 Red Hat 爵士如何将企鹅推进公司的深渊;以及 Gnome 和 KDE 如何手足相残。凡此种种都被记载在《圣经》的《企鹅之书》和《四代记》中。我想,如果将它们全部写下来,足够装满一堆 DVD 。如同 Usenet 新闻组一样深邃而危险。译注:1。 crucified ,指在十字街上钉死。是长时间以来深受欧洲人喜爱的死刑执行方法。

Ten men in white push wheelbarrows full of office waste across London Bridge this morning to highlight the high environmental impact of business waste.

分说 明:2007年1月4日,英国伦敦,10名推着装满办公室垃圾的小车的志愿者行走在伦敦街头。这10名志愿者的行为主要是为了警示人们注意逐渐严重的商业垃圾给环境带来的影响。

The dead weight of men with their heads full of sand.


Now the box is empty and Timothy is chock-a-block full of chocolates.


Kelly spotted two duffel bags secured under the captain's chair: one was filled with a variety of medical supplies, and the other held four MA5Bs and sixteen clips.


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John Robbins lives with his family in Santa Cruz, California.


The international background is mainly the economic ties among different nations tented to be widen and deepen at the peace and development times.


Brian:Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop.
