英语人>网络例句>裂殖子 相关的搜索结果


与 裂殖子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The life-cycle of C.baileyi in Beijing duck and in the CAM of chicken embryowas studied with both the light-microscope and the Nomarski interference-contrastmicroscopy.The results indicated that the life-cycle within duck was simillar tothat of CAM.It included excystation, merogony,gamogonyand sporogony.The thin-walled oocyst was first observed and described in China.


E.stigmosa completed merogony and began gamogony at about 108th h post-infection, and all endogenous stages developed intranuclearly in epithelial cells.


The transcription of PfRON4 peaks at mature schizont stage, suggesting that the PfRON4 gene may involve in erythrocyte-invasion of P.

定量分析结果显示,在恶性疟原虫红内期发育过程中, PfRON4基因的转录水平在裂殖子入侵红细胞后36~40 h达到高峰。

Trophozoite,macrogamout,microgamout, typeⅠmeront,typeⅡmeront and sporozoite in the development of C.andersoni were observed by TEM.The proliferation of C.andersoni was significantly inhibited by 1.25μg/ml NTZ and 0.31μg/ml GAs.Treated with 20μg/ml NTZ and 5μg/ml GAs respectively,the numbers of C.andersoni were only 0.29%and 0.66%compared with the untreated.

透射电镜在HCT-8细胞中观察到安氏隐孢子虫的滋养体、雌配子体、雄配子体、Ⅰ型裂殖体、Ⅱ型裂殖体和子孢子阶段。1.25μg/ml NTZ和0.31μg/ml GAs即可显著抑制HCT-8细胞中安氏隐孢子虫的增殖。20μg/ml NTZ和5μg/ml GAs作用后,虫体数量仅分别为未加药的0.29%和0.66%。

Ovale, or initiate development that results in the production of thousands of merozoites.


Liver stages of the parasite containing thousands of merozoites grow inside hepatocytes for several days without triggering an inflammatory response.


The new merozoites quickly invade erythrocytes where they replicate, sometimes synchronously, in a cycle that may correspond to the cycle of fever and chills in malaria.


Using the total RNA of merozoites of Eimeria acervulina isolated from Guangdong Pro- vince as template,a partial segment of 3-1E gene was amplified by RT-PCR. The gene fragment 682 bp inlength was cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector,and the recombinant plasmid was identified by PCR,restric-tion enzyme analysis and sequencing. The homology analysis revealed that the nucleotide homology be-tween the 3-1E gene of the E.

根据GenBank中登录的堆型艾美球虫3-1E基因序列,设计了3条引物,以广东株堆型艾美球虫裂殖子总RNA为模板,利用反转录-聚合酶链反应扩增获得了3-1E基因部分片段,将这一片段克隆至pGEM-T Easy载体中,经PCR、限制性内切酶分析和克隆片段的序列测定、比较,证实了克隆片段的可靠性。

Fission A type of asexual reproduction in which a parent cell divides into two daughter cells genetically identical to the parent. Binary fission occurs in many unicellular organisms, such as protoctists, bacteria, and fission yeasts.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
