英语人>网络例句>裁定 相关的搜索结果


与 裁定 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The shareholder judged or ruled by the court or the arbitral agency to change its ownership shall represent the copy of the civil rule in writing or conciliation document by the court or the umpirage by the arbitral agency checked with the original .


Microsoft is in the process of appealing a similar antitrust ruling in the European Union after a court in Brussels ruled in 2004 that it had to unbundle Windows.

在2004年在布鲁塞尔的欧盟法庭裁定微软必须解除在 Windows 中的绑定,微软在欧盟也面临同样的反垄断诉讼程序。

She ruled unconstitutional and in violation of a federal intelligence law.


This article, I will be under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism of the implementation of a preliminary determination to explore, pointing out that the current mechanism for the implementation of the deficiencies and to make some proposals of their own.


And therefore, though perhaps at first,(as shall be shewed more at large hereafter in the following part of this discourse) some one good and excellent man having got a pre-eminency amongst the rest, had this deference paid to his goodness and virtue, as to a kind of natural authority, that the chief rule, with arbitration of their differences, by a tacit consent devolved into his hands, without any other caution, but the assurance they had of his uprightness and wisdom; yet when time, giving authority, and sacredness of customs, which the negligent, and unforeseeing innocence of the first ages began, had brought in successors of another stamp, the people finding their properties not secure under the government, as then it was,(whereas government has no other end but the preservation of * property) could never be safe nor at rest, nor think themselves in civil society, till the legislature was placed in collective bodies of men, call them senate, parliament, or what you please.


Instead, the Court has tied the level-of-generality determination to notice, holding that "the contours of the right must be sufficiently clear that a reasonable official would understand that what he is doing violates that right" and that the "unlawfulness must be apparent."


The appeals court ruled that because Hamdan was a member of al Qaeda, the Geneva Conventions did not apply to him and he could not assert the unlawfulness of the military commissions on that basis.


But Robert Sweet, the presiding judge, disagreed, at least as far as the BRCA genes are concerned. After weighing up Myriad's arguments, he ruled:"It is concluded that DNA's existence in an 'isolated' form alters neither this fundamental quality of DNA as it exists in the body nor the information it encodes. Therefore, the patents at issues directed to 'isolated DNA' containing sequences found in nature are unsustainable as a matter of law and are deemed unpatentable subject matter."

但首席法官Robert Sweet的答案却是"否",至少是在考虑BRCA基因一案后给出了这个答案,仔细掂量了Myraid公司的陈词后,他裁定说"我们得出结论:DNA结构是'脱离个体'的存在物,它既不能在人体内改变其基本特征,也不能改变它所编码的信息,因此,这个正在审议中的专利所指的"脱离个体,独立的DNA",它包含序列信息,是在大自然中所发现的,把它当作一个法律问题来看是不成立的,应当作为一个不可申请专利的条目"。

Announcement No.28, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China, Releasing the Preliminary Determination of Anti-dumping Investigation on Imported Dispersion Unshifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber Originated from the USA and South Korea


Announcement No.28, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China, Releasing the Preliminary Determination of Anti- dump ing Investigation on Imported Dispersion Unshifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber Originated from the USA and South Korea


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
