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与 被禁止的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to others, the principal aim of the author was to narrate how, in opposition to Deut., xxiii, 3, which forbids the reception of Moabites into Yahweh's assembly, the Moabitess Ruth was incorporated with Yahweh's people, and eventually became the ancestress of the founder of the Hebrew monarchy.

根据对他人的,主要目的是,作者是叙述如何,在反对deut ,二十三, 3 ,禁止接待moabites到雅巍的大会, moabitess鲁斯被编入与雅巍的人,并最终成为ancestress的的创始人,希伯来文的君主立宪制。

Senior Girls: Blouse - Short/long sleeved cornflower blue check Skirt - Dark navy box pleat below knee length Trousers - Dark navy dress Jersey - Dark navy rib Vest - Dark navy rib Blazer - Dark navy pin stripe · Extras: Socks - Dark navy Tights - Black Sandals - Black/brown/blue leather ·Extras: Jacket - Regulation navy Scarf - Regulation school blue and gold striped No other scarves are to be worn Uniform Regulations · T Shirts or thermals worn under uniform MUST NOT be visible · Regulation School cap ONLY – not to be worn in classrooms · Hair MUST be neat and clean – neither extreme styles nor exotic colours are acceptable · Hair accessories must be navy or black · Jewellery is not permitted with the exception of ONE plain gold or silver stud (NOT hoops in each earlobe.


The reign of Julian, who attempted to restore the faith, and suppress Christianity, and the usurpation of Eugenius renewed the hopes of its devotees, but the decree secured by Theodosius in 394, totally forbidding non-Christian worship, may be considered the end of Mithraism's formal public existence.


The mechanism of this protective effect appears to be related to inhibition of neutrophil extravasation, a critical step in neutrophil-induced myocardial reperfusion injury.


South Korea's president, Roh Moo-hyun, has managed not even to acknowledge the missile firings yet inpublic. Instead, an odd notice has been posted on the presidential website. Domestic critics of thepresident's light-handed approach, the notice said, were stuck in the cold war, when South Koreandictatorships would exaggerate the threat from the North in order to increase their control at home. Thefiring of the Taepodong-2 constituted no crisis, because "it was not aimed at any particular party." Japan


Deep ruffs, painfully wrought bands, and gorgeously embroidered gloves were all deemed necessary to the official state of men assuming the reins of power; and were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth, even while sumptuary laws forbade these and similar extravagances to the plebeian order.


Deep ruffs, painfully wrought bands, gorgeously embroidered gloves were all deemed necessary to the official state of men assuming the reins of power; were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth, even while sumptuary laws forbade these similar extravagances to the plebeian order.

高高的环状皱领、核心编织的饰带和刺绣华丽的手套,都被认定是居官的人夸耀权势的必需品;而且,尽管 ssb bw w.com 禁止奢侈的法律不准平民等级效法这一类铺张,但是 dddTt 地位高或财富多的人,随时都可得到韶免。

We renew our letter dated 13 August 1512, at St Peter's, Rome, in the ninth year of our pontificate, by which, on the advice of the Dominicans, on account of the support, favours, sustenance and help notoriously provided to schismatics and heretics in the promotion of the said condemned and rejected quasicouncil of Pisa, by the king of France and not a few other prelates, officials, nobles and barons of the kingdom of France, we placed under ecclesiastical interdict the kingdom of France and particularly Lyons, excepting the duchy of Brittany, and we forbade the customary fairs of Lyons to be held in that city and we transferred them to the city of Geneva.


India may be the land of the Kamasutra, the ancient treatise on sex, but public displays of affection remain strictly taboo in the country's hinterlands, as an Israeli couple found out.


The Bishops of Apt (1703) Gap (1704), Nevers, and Besanon (1707) condemned them, and, after a report from the Inquisition, Clement XI proscribed them by the Brief "Universi dominici"(1708) as containing the propositions already condemned and as manifestly savouring of the Jansenist heresy. Two years later (1710) the Bishops of Luon and La Rochelle forbade the reading of the book.

主教们的apt ( 1703 )的差距( 1704 ), nevers ,和贝桑松( 1707 )谴责他们,并在后一份报告,从宗教裁判所,克莱门特席被禁他们所简短的& universi dominici &( 1708年)载有主张,已经谴责和作为,显然享受的简森派邪,两年后( 1710年)的主教们luon和拉罗谢尔禁止读这本书。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
