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The rules of fluid rate with different technical parameters: the increase of electromagnetic force causes the increases of the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface, the decrease of skin depth, the increase of electric current density which will make the fluid at free surface flowing faster, while it doesnt affect the fluid rate at S/L interface. When the height of melt increases, the both of fluid rates will increase too. The increase of the width-thickness ratio augments the fluid rates along the wider edges at S/L interface evidently, while the rates along the narrow edges will have little change, and the rate at free surface has little change too. The increase of overheat degree minishes the range of mush zone, while the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface will increase evidently.


The result showed that the surface architecture and ultrastructure of I.punctatus ' gill and secondary gill lamellae were similar to those of other teleosts. The surface of gill arches and gill rakers was covered with pavement cells which were characterized by circular microridges, and secreting-holes were found among cells on the surface of gill arches. The base part of gill rakers were bigger in terms of diameter. The pavement cells' surface of gill filaments' middle part was characterized by microridges with fine lateral protuberances on both sides which were either fused or interruped, while the microridges disappeared on the pavement cells' surface on both top and base parts of gill filaments, forming dense granulated protuberances. The height and interlamellar space of secondary gill lamellae in I.punctatus were relatively higher and bigger, respectively.


Granular corrosion products, surface corrosion pits, cracked and spalled passivation films are observed. The size of the corrosion pits is around several tens to several hundred nm in depth. After long testing time, lots of granular corrosion products ranging 200 to 300 nm in diameter are observed on the surface.


A Dense scale on the2O3(Cr/Y=4/1) coated specimen;2O3(Al/Y=3.6/1) coated specimen; Oxide nodules formed at the corner on the specimen coated with2O3(Cr/Y=2/1) deposited for 15 s; Locally spalled scale on the same specimen as in; The trace of cracks in the deposited oxide film on the scale formed on the specimen coated with2O3 (Cr/Y=2/1) deposited for 60 s; Showing the similar trace on the same specimen as in b

沉积复合OTFC试样的氧化层形貌有如下特征:(1)氧化层绝大部分致密、完整、与基体附着良好,晶粒细小(图7a,7b);(2)在短时间(15s)沉积2O3 OTFC试样的局部表面出现了不均匀氧化(图7c,7d),但只是在沉积Cr/Y=4/1膜试样的局部表面产生了类似无涂层Fe25Cr上剥落的厚膜(图7d);(3)沉积2O3(Cr/Y=2/1) 60s(图7e)与15s(图7c)的结果不同,前者整个试样表面氧化产物颗粒细小,无粗大氧化物颗粒形成;(4)沉积2O3(Cr/Y=2/1) 60s和2O3(Al/Y=3.6/1)薄膜的试样由于氧化增重非常少,氧化层很薄,刻印着涂层中局部出现的裂纹(图7e,7f),这种印迹的保留可能反映着传质机制的改变,即新氧化物由在外表面形成转变为在外表面以下形成。

Inner surface images of PS and PAMS micro-shells were obtained with PSI method.The results are consistent with the measured results by atomic force microscope.The measurement error is analyzed by studying the influence of thickness fluctuation of micro-she...

以微球壳层对超光滑碳化硅及单晶硅片表面形貌的调制作用为研究对象,讨论了微球的外表面粗糙度以及微球壁厚对内表面粗糙度测量结果的影响,确定了相移干涉法测量微球内表面粗糙度的不确定度,实验结果表明:对于表面粗糙度小于30 nm、厚度小于9μm的微球,测量不确定度小于0.4 nm。

Based on these results, it is reasonable to assume that cationic surfactant could form well-stabilized films on the surface of partially hydrated polyacrylamide solution, as a result a kind of surface active complex was formed between cationic surfactant and HPAM.


To overcome the drawbacks in the weight and cost of the antenna with the corrugated soft surface, a new patch antenna with patch rings is designed. Its weight is about 1/4 less than the antenna with the corrugated soft surface and it is inexpensive. Good experimental results are obtained. The radiation pattern of the antenna is more rotationally symmetric, and a more reduction on the sidelobe levels of the antenna is achieved as compared to the antenna with the corrugated soft surface. In conclusion, in the present thesis both theoretical and experimental research works have been carried out intensively on patch antennas based on photonic-bandgap structures.


Single factor experiments were done with the factors including the width of protrusion and the trolley's velocity, which showed that the surface frictional coefficient decreases with the width of protrusion increasing, and doesn't change with the trolley's velocity changing, which was consistent with the results of the orthogonal experiment. A theoretical model of the horizontal projection of a corrugated bionic surface's contact area was built, which showed that the contact area's horizontal projection decreases with width and interval increasing respectively and that the ratio of the contact area's horizontal projection and the vertical load decreases with the vertical load increasing. It indicated that the surface frictional coefficient decreases with the above three factors increasing respectively. Finite element modeling and analysis of interactions of a plate and soils was done using ANSYS, which showed that the plate frictional coefficient is little relative to soil elastic modulus and decreases with vertical surface pressure and that trolley's pull and vertical displacement of bionic surface's control pilot keep constant almost during the plate being pulled. Finite element modeling and analysis of interactions of a corrugated bionic surface and soils was done using ANSYS, which showed that surface frictional coefficient is little relative to soil elastic modulus and decreases with bionic surface's structural parameters and vertical pressure increasing. However, the three factors all didn't affect the surface frictional coefficient remarkably on the condition of 90% dependability. For the first time, bionic surfaces were applied to screw piles, which formed bionic screw piles, and the contrast experiments showed the bionic screw pile had certain resistance-decreasing effects.


Based on recent based on precomputed radiance transfer techniques, this paper proposes a novel method for real-time editing object material under complex environment lighting. First, we precompute the visibility for each vertex as a precomputation stage; Next, at rendering stage, we on-the-fly compute bidirectional reflectance distribution function. Finally, we render the object material by looking up visibility of each vertex.


SF and collagen films were treated by negative corona discharge, homothermal surface potential decay was tested to detect the charge stability. Result showed circums- tance humidity influenced severely the surface charge stability. There were polar groups on the surface after corona discharge, and hydrogen bonds existed between these groups. On the other hand, ATR-FTIR analysis indicated the conformation transition of SF was induced by strong electric field and a part of random coil conformation was converted into β-sheet structure.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
