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与 表面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Silver grass is weakly acidic, pH value is between 5.53 and 6.49, alkali buffer capacity is between 0.89ml and 3.31ml and acid buffer capacity is between 11.52ml and 17.38ml; To the wet ability of silver grass, the under-parts of stem are better than upsides, the inner surface of stem is better than surface, the wet ability of leaf is between surface and inner surface; compare with wood and wheat straw, the wet ability of silver grass is worse than that of wood but better than that of wheat straw.


Using density functional theory, the adsorption of cyanide on the different sites of Cu(100) surface was studied with end-on and side-on geometries.

采用密度泛函方法,以原子簇Cu14 为模拟表面,对CN自由基分子在垂直和平行Cu( 10 0 )表面不同位置的吸附情况进行了研究,结果表明:通过原子C垂直吸附在表面的顶位是其最佳吸附方式,吸附后CN键振动频率发生蓝移;而其它吸附方式中CN键振动频率均发生红移。

In this paper,the surface roughness and residual stress of 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV stainless steel after laser shock peening and shot peening were tested and analyzed.The results show that laser shock peening samples have better surface quality and larger residual stress than shot peening samples.


The rule that governs the moving of fatigue sources from the surface to the subsurface and again to the surface and its influence on the strengthening effect of shot peening are discussed.


In order to draw a photorealistic surface, Bidirectional Texture Functions, a 6D texture function which extends Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function to include the self-shadowing, self-occlusion and inter-reflection effects, has been mentioned frequently in recent years. Its main drawback is its massive data size. To solve this, Spatial Bidirectional Reflectance Function techniques compress BTFs into reflectance model parameters. However, SBRDF cannot producethe self-shadowing and self-occlusion effects in real-world surface geometry. This work is aimed to this drawback. I find how self-shadowing and self-occlusion affect the surface by additional physical-based analysis. And I rely on two physical phenomena to divide self-shadowing and self-occlusion into two independent effects. First, self-shadowing is view independent. Second, self-occlusion is independent of lighting direction changes. After these analyses, I use SBRDF and additional self-shadowing and self-occlusion I found to render a photorealistic surface as non-compressed BTFs doing.

为了把物体表面呈现的更真实,六维函数BTFs ( Bidirectional Texture Functions)目前已经被使用的相当频繁,但BTFs的资料量实在太大而没办法直接使用,为了解决资料庞大的问题,传统的SBRDF以逼近光反射模型参数,来达到资料压缩的效果,但是SBRDF对於表面的凹凸所产生的阴影及遮蔽,不能达到逼真的呈现,为了改善这个问题,我们选择从物理方面,找出资料中阴影和遮蔽等属於表面几何的资料并去除,使参数更正确,同时利用两个物理现象去区分阴影及遮蔽为两个互不干涉资料,第一是阴影不会因视角不同而改变,第二是遮蔽不因光线方向不同而改变,经过这些分析,我可以利用SBRDF加上附加的阴影及遮蔽两种独立的效应,来达到彷佛跟未压缩过的BTFs一样的真实绘图。

The results showed that under the same polishing parameters, the particle size exerted an important influence on MRR and surface quality during unfixed-abrasive polishing, but played a less role during fixed-abrasive polishing. A fine surface roughness of R 1.5 nm was achieved by using diamond fixed-abrasive pad, and the function of self-conditioning was well realized.

结果表明:在相同的抛光工艺参数下,磨粒粒径在游离磨料抛光中对材料去除率和抛光后表面质量作用显著,而在固结磨料抛光中作用不显著;采用金刚石固结磨料抛光垫抛光能获得表面粗糙度约为R1.5 nm的良好表面质量,并在抛光过程中较好地实现了自修整功能。

The polyurea coating was tested with Taber tribomachine and the highp ressure water jet erosion tester for studying the wear behavior of polyure coating under conditions of dry friction and highspeed water jet contained sand. The morphology of the coating was observed with SEM and Chromatic confocal 3D Profiler. The surface component of test samp les was measured by FT2IR Spectrometer and Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy. The p roperties of polyurea coating under two testing conditionswas analyzed.

为研究聚脲涂层在干摩擦条件下和高速含砂水流冲蚀条件下的性能变化情况,用 Taber 磨损试验机和高速含沙水射冲蚀磨损试验机测试了聚脲涂层的磨损性能,用扫描电子显微镜和白光共焦三维轮廓仪观测涂层的磨损表面形貌,用表面红外光谱和电子显微镜能谱元素分析了涂层表面试验前后的组分变化,分析了涂层在2种摩擦条件下的磨损情况。

The preparation method provided by the invention is: firstly, to clean glass beads; secondly, to modify the surface property of the glass beads, such as sulfhydrylation; thirdly, to clean the modified glass beads; fourthly, to add reducing agent into the glass beads including the modified glass beads to prepare a reducing mixture; fifthly, to prepare silver salt solution; sixthly, to mix the reducing mixture with the silver salt solution. And silver-wrapped glass bead core-shell composite particles are obtained through the reaction, the air pump filtering, the washing and the drying.


The weight and percentage of plated metal of metallized fiber can be derived from measuring the weight and volume of metallized fiber via the density formula and the law of conservation of mass with konwing the density of plated metal and the basic fiber.


Jiang Ye Yiyang colored plant since 1997 zhejiang for the production of three Group took the body with yellow brass, there have been more than a decade of history, maturing technology, complete equipment, product quality higher than the national standards in the chemical products Composition, tolerance level of accuracy, mechanical properties, both inside and outside surface quality in areas such as technical requirements, Reflects a production capacity of enterprises, technical and management level.

化学成分,化学成分 GB/T5231—2001中的 H65化学成分范围,为使其性能更有保障,对主成分及有害杂质进行更严格控制,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004)。(2)公差及机械性能参照 GB/T1527—2006拉制管标准和浙江三花集团企业标准 Q/ZSH05·099—2002,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004),对其进行严格控制。三位四通阀的工作环境是液态或汽化的氟利昂等冷凝剂,其内腔气密性要求十分苛刻,这就需要 AC 黄铜管的内、外表面质量有极高表面质量,内、外表面光洁,无划伤、拉痕、起皮、沙眼、夹杂等加工缺陷,无酸、油、润滑等残留附着物。由于 AC 黄铜管在制作四通阀时,需要锯切、车削、冲孔等机加工,因此对公差精度要求很高。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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