英语人>网络例句>表面 相关的搜索结果


与 表面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of this property, water is preferentially adsorbed by these surfaces, and large organic compounds cannot compete with strongly held water for adsorption sites on the clay surfaces. Thus, Na-clays are ine_ective sorbents for small organic molecules. However, it is possible to modify the surface properties of clays greatly by neutralizing the anionic framework of layer silicates by using positively charged organic species such as alkylammonim ions. In the modi_ed form (HDTMA-bentonite), the clay surface may become organophilic and interact strongly with organic compounds. Textile dyes represent a relatively large group of organic chemicals. In an HDTMA-bentonite-dye system it is possible that adsorption may be enhanced by the hydrophobic interaction between the adsorbed dye molecule and HDTMA-bentonite.

O组给予亲水的性质到矿物表面,因为这水是吸附在这些表面,和大的有机化合物不能比有坚强的为了吸附位置在泥土表面,因而,Na—泥土是ine_ective吸附剂为了小的分子,希,它是可能的到更改的表面属性,泥土非常在抵销anionic层硅酸盐在用的结构 Positively负荷的物种例如alkylammonim离子,在mod i_ed形状,泥土表面可能变成organophilic和互相作用坚强地有机化合物,织物染料表现相关的大的组化学的,在HDTMA—斑脱土—染料系统它是可能的那吸附可能是提高在交互作用在中间吸附染料分子和HDTMA—斑脱土,interlamellarHDTMA的间隔—斑脱土是获得在substracting泥土层从的厚度实验上坚决的基础的间隔(d001)。

Accordingly three DNA computing models, the solution-based model, surface-based model and the combination of solution and surface-based model, were presented to solve 0-1 programming problem in the study. The advantages of massive parallelism, high-density storage and potential robotization of solution-based and surface-based model were well embodied and their shortages such as timewasting operations and less massive parallelism were also avoided by all means in these models.

本文用DNA计算解决规划问题的研究中,对0-1 规划问题分别给出了基于溶液计算、表面计算和溶液表面结合计算的三类DNA 计算模型,分别强调了溶液计算的高度并行和高存储性,表面计算的高自动化程度等优点,并进一步利用溶液与表面计算相结合的方法来避免各自的缺点,突出其优点,生物实验对溶液与表面计算相结合的模型进行了验证。

Two kinds of silicon samples with distinct surface treatment, i. e., one surface was chemically etched and the other was unetched, were used to investigate the characteristics of leakage current and surface flashover of semiconductor under impulse voltage in vacuum. The experimental results showed that the surface conditions of samples affected these characteristics greatly. Before flashover, the Ohmic current was observed for unetched samples and the space charge limited current for etched samples, respectively. Meanwhile both samples showed quite different flashover tracks, and the surface-etched samples displayed a much higher onset voltage of flashover.

对采用和未采用表面化学腐蚀处理的半导体硅在冲击电压下的实验表明(参见 Zhang et al , Applied Physics Letters, 2002),试品的表面状况对其泄漏电流和沿面闪络特性有着很大的影响:在沿面闪络之前,未经处理试品的泄漏电流表现为 Ohm 性电流,而表面处理过的试品表现为空间电荷限制电流特性;同时两类试品表面的闪络通道也表现出不同的特征,而采用表面化学腐蚀处理可以明显提高其沿面闪络电压。

Data indicate that wetting property of self-bonding fiberboard is better than MDF, that wetting property of sanded surface of self-bonding fiberboard made with Method I is inferior to that of unsanded fiberboard, but opposite results to the comparison between sanded surface of self-bonding fiberboard made with Method II and unsanded surface, and that self-bonding fiberboard without waterproof agent has better wetting property than that with waterproof agent.


We have epitaxially grown ultrathin Pb and Co films on the Cu(111)surface bymolecular beam exitaxialgrowth technique,and studied in detail the growthand surface alloying of submonolayer Pb on Cu(111),the shift of Pb 5d core levelbinding energy on Cu(111),the surfactant-assisted epitaxial growth of Co on Cu(111)using Pb as a surfactant,and the spin exchange splitting of ultrathin Co films onCu(111)using synchron radiation photoemission spectra as well as Auger electronspectraand low energy electron diffraction.


The results showed that the adhesion characteristic between PC and acrylate adhesive was significantly improved after modification because of ion beam bombardment resulted in excellent hydrophilicity, increasing of the polarity, denuding of the weak boundary and engendering of crosslinked boundary.


Copper nanoparticles were modified by surface modifier, methyl - methylacrylate, and minified by use of fluid-flow comminuted method, the disper sity and dispersion stability of the modified copper nanoparticles as additive i n CD 15W/40 engine oil were evaluated by high velocity centrifuger; its morpholo gy and particle size were tested by TEM and XRD analysis; and its tribological p roperty in CD 15W/40 engine oil was investigated by ball on pan tribo-tester.


The preparative technique of solid lubricant is cold-press sintering method.The micro-structure , friction surface, lubricant transfer film surface of base material was characterized by SEM; XRD was used to do phase analysis. The degrees of crystallinity of pure PTFE under the different conditions of water cooling, air cooling and furnace-varying cooling were made comparison by XRD. The thermal stability of pure PTFE and solid lubricant was analyzed by DSC-TG; The composition and valence state of elements in the surface of carbon fiber ,solid lubricant before and after friction test and lubricant transfer film were characterized by XPS; The frictional property of solid lubricant was tested by pin and disk test rig .


For the mieroemulsions, Miglyol 812 was chosen as oil phase, SbPC and HS-15~ as surfactants, PEG400 and ethanol (7:3) as cosurfactant and the double-distilled water as water phase. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were constructed to obtain the concentration range of each component for the microemulsion formation. The effects of various ratio of SbPC to HS-15 and different weight ratios of surfactant to cosurfactant on the droplet size were investigated, as well as viscosity and stability of microemulsion. The constitute of stable blank ME with more oil and little surfactant was confirmed.

分别以IPM和Miglyol 812作为油相、豆磷脂与HS-15为表面活性剂、PEG 400和乙醇作为助表面活性剂、重蒸水作为水相,绘制伪三元相图,研究各组分的组成对微乳形成的影响,并考察了不同油相、不同表面活性剂、助表面活性剂的组成变化对制剂粒径、粘度及稳定性的影响,确定了含有较多油相、较少表面活性剂的稳定空白微乳的组成。

The effects of various structure parameters of gemini surfactants such as nature of the hydrophilic head groups,nature and chain length of the hydrophobic tail groups,nature and chain length of the spacer groups,and nature of the counter ion et al.on their dissolution properties,surface activity,micelle morphology,foaming performance and lime soap dispersing power et al.were summarized.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
