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In this paper, through a series of experiments, two series of quaternary-ammounium Gemini surfactants were synthesized, namely the pair alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant m-s-m·2Br and the pair the alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant -s-·2Br. We has carried on the attribute with the infrared spectrum to its structure, and to affected the factor which the synthesis pair the alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant responded to carry on the discussion. We has discovered the synthesis pair the ethylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant m-2-m·2Br optimum condition: The bromo alkane and a tetramethyl ethylene diamine mole of ratio is 3.0: 1.0, makes the solvent by the ethyl alcohol, 80℃ under responds for 48 hours in the backflow temperature; Synthesis pair alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant 12-S-12 ·2Br optimum condition: 12 tertiary amine and 1, 3- propylene dibromide (1, 4- two bromines butane) a mole of ratio is 2.2: 1.0, makes the solvent by the ethyl alcohol, responds for 48 hours in the constant temperature 80 ℃ under backflow.


Results showed that:there were significant differences in the carbon to oxygen ratioamong various positions and processingconditions;lignin and abstracts mainly made up the surface of bamboo;high temperature drying resulted in the decomposition of volatile abstracts in the surface,whichindicated some structure of cellulose and hemicellulose,while the effects of processing with boracic acid were not apparent;the bamboo processed in hightemperature and with boracic acid showed decreasedfree hydroxide and activity at the same time;the amount of active free hydroxide of inner layer was higher thanthat of the outer.


For the sake of the compatibility to gurrantee the manufacture produce dimensions , the plate that the male employs in the abundant heat sink production process is the treasure steel manufacture high grade very mould the drawing cold roll thick plate of 2.5mm's breastwork to the soldering performance of initial semi-manufactured goods of better control every workman dimensional tolerance along with well , such function of a mechine is domestic the most well-developed


Notch and groove were produced on fiber's surface by plasma's pHysical bump and corrasion, meanwhile oxygenic or nitrogenic radicals were also grafted on the surface. Through hydrolyzation, acetate fiber's surface will be denuded by cellulase enzyme. Surface of the fiber will be granulated and specific surface area will be enlarged by plasma and enzyme treatment, therefore obviously improve fiber's surface performance.


The macropolarity of diaspore surfaces is high, and the adsorbed layer formed in such a manner is sporadic.


Furthermore, the compression-sensitivity of CFRC, which suffers three-direction-pressure is studied.Thirdly, present method of carbon fiber treatment is summarized. Treat the surface of carbon fiber with GLBE, the influence of surface-treatment of carbon fiber on the distribution and compression-sensitivity of CFRC was studied. According to the contrast of the compression-sensitivity before and after surface treatment, as well as the contrast of the distribution of carbon fiber in cement mortar, it is found that GLBE is able to improve the dispersiveness of carbon fiber.


We expect it will benefit the industry field to break through the optical measuring limits at present by offering some new ideas. Optical measuring research based on moire interferometry has developed for several decades. The main idea of this research is to utilize the moire effect caused by two superimposed gratings of identical or similar spatial frequency. One is the reference grating and it is a virtual grating created by a computer program in this research; The other grating is the image of grating projected on the measured surface by the DLP projector, and this grating will distort because of the different sloped profile of the surface. To superimpose the program-created grating and the captured distorted grating will derive the so-called moire effect. This research combined the basic theory of optical interferometry and moire effect to project the different phases of the projected grating fringes by the phase-shifting method and compute the principal value of arguments between -π,π. In the end, the phase unwrapping program based on discrete Fourier transform of solving PDEs is used to unwrap the phase of the measured surface, and finally the surface profile is derived by the optical measuring system.

以叠纹干涉术为基础的光学检测研究之发展早已行之有年,而在本研究中所采用的投影叠纹法(Projection moiré)之主要精神在於藉由两道空间频率相近或相同的光栅相互叠加而成的效应,其中一道为参考光栅,而本研究中的参考光栅是以程式产生可调整不同空间频率的虚拟光栅;另一道则为投影至待测物表面的光栅影像,而在起伏高度不一的待测表面上的光栅影像会受到待测物表面起伏状况不同而在观测方向产生光栅投影条纹影像的歪曲变形,将电脑产生的参考光栅与由影像撷取装置所获取投影於待测物表面的光栅影像作叠合,便会产生所谓的叠纹效应;利用基本的光学干涉理论与叠纹效应结合,本研究中以相移法来改变投影於待测表面的光栅相位,再以相移法的理论反运算出在带有待测面各点高度资讯之介於-π,π相位主幅角,再以离散傅立叶转换解偏微分方程的相位重建程式还原待测面的相位值,以得知待测面之表面轮廓。

The relationship between physico-chemical properties of nano-CaCO〓 and surface treating technology was studied. The results showed the coating model of micron CaCO〓 was not suitable to nano-CaCO〓. The influence of dosage of treatment agent on nano-CaCO〓 dispersion degree in matrix was studied, the results indicated it only need to passivate some active zone on nano-CaCO〓 surface.


As the RE ions concentration in groundwater increases or the surface sites on Mn-Fe oxide become saturated, RE ions may sorb via surface precipitation, then surface precipitation become the dominant sorption mechanism.


Basic symbols;Coatings;Definition;Definitions;Dimensions;Drawing specifications;Drawings;Engineering drawings;Finishes;Geometric;Geometrical product specification;GPS;Graphic representation;Graphic symbols;Inscriptions in a drawing;Letterings;Machining;Machining tolerances;Marks;Product specifications;Production processes;Products documentation;Ratings;Reference length;Reference lines;Representation of characters;Roughness;Roughness value;Specification;Statement;Surface properties;Surface roughness;Surface texture;Surface treatment;Surface-roughness measurement;Surfaces;Symbols;Technical drawing;Treatment;Wear-quantity


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
