英语人>网络例句>表面 相关的搜索结果


与 表面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that the surfactant species impact apparently on the purity, dispersion degree and particle size of the reducing sample. The non-ion surfactants can improve the dissemination of ultrafine silver particles, but both the dispersive effects of cation and anion surfactants are unapparent.


This study used the pick-up head from the commercial DVD-ROM as the basis for optical path, and drilled a 2mm hole on the focusing object lens. After combined with the design of a beams plitter, the laser beam source of the two DVD formed two in-line laser beams. One laser beam passed through the undrilled part, and focused on the surface of the object to be tested, in order to measure the displacement variance of the surface.

於三自由光学测探头的研制上,则将DVD 探头之聚焦物镜做一2mm 的穿孔,於搭配一分光镜的设计后,使个DVD 的光源形成同轴光束,将其中ㄧ光束经由聚焦物镜未穿孔部分,聚焦於待测物表面,用以测待测物表面的位移变化,另一光束则穿透过聚焦物镜穿孔部分,直接将光束投射至待测物表面,作为待测物表面之个角的变化测。

For the examination of Multispectral radiation thermometry with first-order linear emissivity model:(1) the best MRT examined wavelength range for unoxidized aluminum alloys is from 3 m to 4 m;(2) unoxidized samples provide better temperature prediction than oxidized samples;(3) if the emissivity model can well represent the real emissivity behaviors, the more accurate inferred temperature can be achieved.

应用多光谱辐射测温法搭配一阶线性放射率模组於温度推测:(1)应用於推测无氧化试件表面温度之波段的选择以3 m到4 m的结果最好;(2)应用於推测无氧化试件表面温度的结果比推测有氧化试件表面温度的结果来的好;(3)当放射率模组越能模拟铝合金表面放射率行为,则所推测温度误差将越小。

The second part was to test the appearance, ingredient analysis, surface potential, thermal conduction properties, and magnetism of the nano composite fluid prepared from the parameters. The experiment found that unoxidized particles, Ag, Cu, Fe, and Ni appeared round. If combined with oxygen in water as oxides, the nano particles would grow toward certain directions. In copper/iron nano composite fluid, FeO appeared cubic, Cu2O appeared coniferous. In silver/iron nano composite fluid, FeO was polygonal. In dielectric potential detection, the nano composite fluid was likely to aggregate and deposit, except for silver/iron set. In other sets, the pH of silver/cobalt nano composite fluid was 7, surface potential was 21.21mV; the pH for silver/nickel nano composite fluid was 6.5, surface potential was 21.04mV; the pH for copper/iron nano composite fluid was 7, surface potential was -30mV. The fluid particles of the three sets could all maintain suspension of 2 weeks or more. For thermal conduction, the silver/nickel, nano composite fluid showed the best thermal conduction. Under temperature of 30℃ fluid weight conduction of 0.4%, the thermal conduction increase was 26%. For magnetic detection, except for silver/iron nano composite fluid, the nano particles of other three sets were paramagnetic, and all four sets were soft magnetic nano composite materials.


The fluorescent intensity ratio of the first vibronic peak (λ=373 nm) to the third vibronic peak (λ=383 nm) of pyrene solubilized in micelle decreased gradually, which was different from the conventional surfactant, such as SDS. The aberrant property indicated a broad micelle size for the m+nAr-T surfactants. That is, the aggregates of the studied surfactants gradually grew in size with increasing concentration over wide concentration range.


Some methods of surface functionalization of hollow glass microsphere are reviewed, such as surface coating, surface grafting, surface metallization and surface zeolitization.


The wear mechanisms of the graphite pairs were examined based on the original image before and after sliding, the result shows that under air media, the graphite pairs works on the conditions of boundary lubrication and the wear mechanism is dominated by adhesion and plough wear, which is dominated by slightly plough wear under water environment.


The greater the proportion of incident light that is reflected at the sameangle as it strikes the surface,the glossier the surface appears.A surface that scatters light randomly has a diffuse appearance.Paper gloss depends mainly on smoothness and the type of surface coating applied.It can also be altered by finishes,such as varnishing and laminating.

光泽的表面,是由何种方式光线反射it.the更大比例入射光即反映在sameangle作为它打击面,glossier表面appears.a表面 scatterslight随机已漫appearance.paper光泽主要取决于平滑型表面涂层能applied.it 也将改变饰面,如varnishingandlaminating。

The repair results of defects were observed after 4, 12 and 24 weeks. RESULTS: In experimental group, no obvious new cartilage formation was seen 4 weeks after operation; some new cartilage formation was found after 12 weeks. Histological observation showed that chondrocytes had irregular edge, honeycombing structure and that cartilage cavities formed around the chondrocytes.

结果 实验组术后 4周缺损表面未见明显的新生软骨形成;12周,缺损表面有少量的新生软骨形成,组织学切片上可见软骨细胞呈边缘不规则的,小蜂窝状结构,软骨细胞周围有软骨陷窝形成;2 4周,缺损表面的新生软骨较 4、12周的新生软骨明显,表面光滑,且与周围组织结合紧密,但仍存在部分缺损尚未修复。

The weight percentage for the components of the hyaline coating is as follows: SiO2 45 to 54 percent, B2O3 15 to 20 percent, one or more of Na2O, K2O and Li2O, 10 to 24 percent, one or more of TiO2, ZrO2 and ZnO, 6 to 18 percent , and the rest is one or more of CaO, MgO and CeO2. Firstly, the glass powder is mixed with the mill additions to be pulped and then plated on the surface of titanium or the titanium alloy. After being dried, the surface of titanium or the titanium alloy is directly used for a thermal hydrogen treatment or smelted at a temperature of 900 to 1, 000 DEG C for 15 to 30 minutes and then a hyaline coating with a thickness of 20 to 70 micrometers is formed on the surface of titanium or the titanium alloy; secondly, titanium or the titanium alloy plated with the coating is conducted a thermal hydrogen treatment. After the treatment technique is finished, the coating flakes off automatically in the process of cooling; and finally, a surface treatment is supplemented to meet the requirement of the workpiece surface.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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