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According to the geological and geographic setting,the evolutionary environments of soil can be divided into syngenetic environment,supergene environment and endogenic environment.


That is nugget formed on the basis of the transfor m and limited accretion of primary nugget in supergene.


An assessment index system of supervene eco-environment was established,and the present state of supergene eco-environment was assessed as well.


The supergene geochemical features and the factors that control the supergene geochemical anomaly of gold in alpine meadow landscape are expounded.


The differentiation states of costae indicates the ways they absorb and transport water, and their ability adapting to the dry conditions, which was elucidated by the following examples: Brachythecium plumosum, because of its thin cell-walls in the costae and the absence of hydrome, assistant and steroid cells, can absorb water and nutrition under shady and moist conditions; Plagiomnium rostratum, though often grows in shady and wet condition, has hydrome and steroid cells, a feature similar to those of xeric mosses, which endows it to grow in the conditions with periodical drought stress during its life cycle; Hygrohypnum luridum is characterized by its slender leaves with only one layer of cells, the thin cell-walls, the absence of filaments on the leaf surface, and the fewer layer cells in the costae, the absence of hydrome and steroid cells. These features make it adaptable to aquatic environments. For Pogonatum inflexum and Atrichum undulatum, their ventral surfaces covered with lamella, while for Racomitrium japonicum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Macromitrium ferriei, Diphyscium fulvifolium, Barbula unguiculata and Ceratodon purpureus, their leaves are strongly mammillose or papillos. Such appendiculate structures made them adaptable to thy conditions.

例如,荫湿生环境下的羽枝青藓Brachythecium plumosum,其中肋细胞胞壁较薄,无导水主细胞和副细胞的分化,也没有厚壁细胞分化,能够在阴湿环境下吸收水分和养分;钝叶匍灯藓Plagiomnium rostratum具有与旱生藓类植物相似的中肋结构,叶片较厚,中肋具导水主细胞,中肋背面具厚壁细胞,这些特点使该种藓类植物能够分布于间隙性干旱胁迫的环境中;水灰藓Hygrohypnum luridum叶片纤细柔弱,仅1层细胞,细胞胞壁薄,叶表无附属结构,中肋细胞层数少,无导水主细胞分化,也没有厚壁细胞,这些特点使得水灰藓'能够生长在水生环境中;东亚小金发藓Pogonatum inflerum和波叶仙鹤藓Atrichum undulatum的叶腹面覆盖着栉片,东亚砂藓Racomitrium japonicum、大羽藓Thuidium cymbifolium、福氏蓑藓Macromitrium ferriei、东亚短颈藓Diphyscium fuhifolium、扭口藓Barbula unguiculata和角齿藓Ceratodon purpureus的叶片表面有乳头状突起或疣状物,这些附属结构使它们能够适应于旱生的环境中。

The authigenetic minerals' paragenetic sequence of paragenetic association III of outcrop sandstones is supergene leaching process-kaolinite-calcite- limonite.


The result shows that:(1) the color of turquoise is controlled by Fe~(3+),Cu~(2+), and surface weathering intensity.(2) The structure of turquoise can be described asmicrocrystal-squama texture and spherulitic texture.


The results show that 42.86% topsoil samples are polluted by Cadmium, soil synthesis pollution index is moderate, Cadmium pollution degree of topsoil correlate with the environment of sampling sites. The results also show that exchangeable Cd, carbonate-bound Cd, organic-bound Cd and residual Cd are found in all soil samples except for Fe-Mn oxide-bound Cd. Furthermore, the concentration of exchangeable Cd and carbonate-bound Cd, both which have high biological validity, is high. Humus has a certain correlation with exchangeable Cd, organic-bound Cd and residual Cd, and has no obvious correlation with other chemical speciations. Any chemical speciation of Cd has no obvious correlation with pH and total Fe of soil samples. Cadmium in topsoil can be eluviated by acid solution, the quantity of Cadmium eluviated by redistilled water is little. With the rise of pH of eluviating solution, eluviated Cadmium quantity decrease. For the same soil sample, the lower pH value of eluviating solution is, the more fast the Cadmium is eluviated, and the more thequantity of Cadmium is eluviated.


Environmental chemical action of Cadmium in topsoil in Chengdu has been studied in this paper, including the Cadmium pollution survey of topsoil in Chengdu, the chemical speciation research of Cadmium in topsoil, the research of correlation between soil character and chemical speciation of Cadmium and eluviating experiment research.


Reefs, reef-mounds and lime mud mounds are all carbonate buildups, and the reefs and banks are important targets for petroleum exploration The reefs, banks and mounds should be divided from each other not only in theory, but also in exploration practice, because of so many differences in sedimentary compositions, fabrics, environments, distribution in time and space, and the characteristics of petroleum geology If the original reef or bank itself was fine reservoir rocks, then it would become a better reservoir after the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The formation of a high quality carbonate reservoir is controlled by two factors: the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The first is the basis for the formation of a high quality reservoir, and with the high energy reefbank facies as the best; the latter includes the cataclasis, the dolomitization and the karstification The dolomitization and karstification are the best for the formation of a high quality reservoir The karstification has the widest distribution, profoundest effect, and plays a vital role in the high quality reservoir forming The karst types are quite rich in the limestone reef or bank reservoir, including synsedimentary karst, penesedimentary karst, supergene karst and hydrothermal karst, and so does the dolomitization reef or bank reservoir The formation mechanism of synsedimentary karst and penesedimentary karst is related to the short time exposing and leaching of the cyclical highfrequency shallowupward sequence when the reefs or banks are forming The supergene karst is controlled by the exposing and leaching of tertiary cyclic sequence type I interface after the reefs or banks forming Thus, there developed a great deal of secondary corrosion pores, corrosion fractures and huge caves besides some original pores remained in the reef and bank reservoir Scarcely there are any original effective pores in reefmounds and lime mud mounds, especially in senkes among mounds, but secondary pores could be formed by karstification, and there would likely develop source rocks with high organic abundance


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The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
