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The Pharisees , who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they scoffed at him.

16:13 法利赛人是贪爱钱财的,他们听见这一切话,就嗤笑耶稣。

In reality, what this means is not that revolution is not possible, and communism not desirable, but that these people's revolutionary will and communist orientation have degenerated and—unlike those who have come forward through the course of the Cultural Revolution in our Party, and once again and more deeply have committed themselves to the cause of communism—those who have turned their back on the Party and on revolution recognize that this revolution and its goal of communism will require, but they are not willing to undertake,"the hard work, the risky work, the often unpopular and 'going against the tide' work, to make this a reality."


There was a commotion outside, and I found Magda knowing him against a lamppost.
