英语人>网络例句>行政人员 相关的搜索结果


与 行政人员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chief Jerry Dyer, president of the California Police Chiefs Association, voices what sounds like a more honest concern: that officers will face "unfair maligning" by the citizens they serve.

行政偷工减料代尔,总统的加州警察首长协会,什麼声音听起来像一个比较老实的关注:人员将面临&不公平maligning &,由公民,他们的服务。

Article 64 Where an administrative department of environmental protection or any other relevant department, in violation of the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 14 of this Law, misappropriates the fees collected for discharge of pollutants, the auditing or supervisory authorities shall order them to refund the money misappropriated or take other measures to recover the funds.


Article 63 Where any person, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, misappropriates the special maintenance funds, the competent real estate administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall recover the special maintenance funds misappropriated, give a warning and confiscate the illegal income, and may concurrently impose a fine of not more than double of the illegal income; if a realty management enterprise misappropriates the special maintenance funds and the circumstances are serious, the authority issuing the certificate of qualifications shall concurrently revoke the certificate of qualifications; if a crime is constituted, the person in charge who assumes direct responsibility and other persons directly responsible therefor shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law


The company now has brand-name art institutions and more than 60 experienced designers, the professional titles of more than 50 project managers, construction of more than 1,000 professional staff,(under Business, Design, Engineering, client department, maintenance department, the Department of Materials Distribution and specialized functions such as administration department) the principal is committed to the noble houses, villas, gardens, offices, commercial space, hotels and other decorative works of Design and Construction, the company since its establishment in the same industry come to the fore and become a decoration, the rise of novae.


Article twenty-eighth executive and his staff handle letters and visits, should fulfill their duties, handle matters impartially, to ascertain the facts, clearly define the responsibilities to promote the rule of law, education, flow, timely and proper treatment may not be prevaricating, perfunctory delay.

PX Z2f;ixxOO:d1第二十八条行政机关及其工作人员办理信访事项,应当恪尽职守、秉公办事,查明事实、分清责任,宣传法制、教育疏导,及时妥善处理,不得推诿、敷衍、拖延。

All judges who were in service immediately before the reunification were reappointed by the Chief Executive.


Alters its business place, main facilities and equipment, investors or other matters as stated in the license for entertainment business operation, it shall apply to the original license-issuing organ for reissuing upon verification a license for entertainment business operation and put this on records at the public security organ.


The study of this part can be used for reference for administrators and is comparatively strongly applicable for secretaries.


How to carry out comprehensive law execution combines with how to change government function and innovation of administrative management system, it will grope experiences of government institution reform, set up a new administrative constitution along with separation between decision-making and execution, between punishment and technical verification, to stop the demerit of "departmental government power, benefit-oriented department power, profitable examination and approval, sophisticating the way of examine and approve ", to assure scientific government determination, the equity of law execution and proficiency of operation.


In the past, HR managers were often viewed as the systematizing, policing arm of executive management.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
