英语人>网络例句>行政人员 相关的搜索结果


与 行政人员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at va rious levels who has neglected his duties, committed illegalities for personal gains, resulting harms to the complaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial organs for his criminal liability according to law if the offense constitutes a crime.


Article 40 Any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties, committed illegalities for personal gai , resulting harms to the complaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial orga for his criminal liability according to law if the offe e co titutes a crime.


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Article 71 For the seed administrative managers who practise favouritism, misuse authority and scrimshank, or break the stipulations of this law to engage in seed production and operation, they should be given administrative punishment according related law.


All along, China's state-owned commercial banks are quasi-executive, the bank managers "official standard" complex serious pursuit of the administrative level is the overwhelming majority of banks career objectives.


At present, the central police station of the two security have been taken to Qujing City CDC detection; Wang Qiaotao drug addicts were sent to compulsory drug treatment in Luliang County, forced isolation by the drug two years, after the expiry of drug transferred to the Detention Unit in administrative detention on the 15th.


So there was an argument on affirming the entity of punishment between the tipstaff and the party.


However, hospitals have the characteristics which are different from other industries, such as highly specialized and the triumvirate. Therefore, the scientific management theory cannot be applied on all departments of a hospital. This paper is also discussing the different applications in different departments of a hospital.


Based on a series of interviews, senior administrators of YCMOU expressed their desires and concerns associated with the mission of the university- reaching the unreached.


The detention education system which was established in 1993 is an administrative compulsory measure providing concentrative legal and ethic education to prostitutes and whorehouse visitors.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
