英语人>网络例句>行动主义的 相关的搜索结果


与 行动主义的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In practice it is possible to give as a leitmotiv of Gnosticism the conception of matter as an active principle having an eternal, autonomous existence, which is that of darkness (which would not be the absence of light but the monstrous archons revealed by that absence), that of evil (which would not be the absence of good, but a creative action).


Although Arendt did not articulate a dear solution to these problems, she still offer us a specific access to them by analyzing the phenomena which have already existed in the political sphere such as ideological tenor, the end of the Rights of Man, lies, violence, hypocrisy, guilt, evil, and by examining the conceptions such as the natality and the plurality of human-beings, the capacity of actions and thinking, and the sensus communis. She not only argued for the unique of Man but also emphasized the human-beings in the plural sense; Her formulation of her anti- totalitarianism thought not only demonstrated her guard against the possible invasion of the private space made by the public space, but also shows u s her yearning for the re-birth of the public realm; Her inclination to classical republicanism not only echoes the ancient Greek spirit, but also can be interfused into the contemporary philosophical context.


Based on abstract method, jurisprudentially discussion, case study, and statistical research, the Article contends that the development and increase of equity proportion of institutional investors has substantially altered the presumption of the shareholder's status in traditional company law.


Although Arendt did not articulate a dear solution to these problems, she still offer us a specific access to them by analyzing the phenomena which have already existed in the political sphere such as ideological tenor, the end of the Rights of Man, lies, violence, hypocrisy, guilt, evil, and by examining the conceptions such as the natality and the plurality of human-beings, the capacity of actions and thinking, and the sensus communis. She not only argued for the unique of Man but also emphasized the human-beings in the plural sense; Her formulation of her anti- totalitarianism thought not only demonstrated her guard against the possible invasion of the private space made by the public space, but also shows u s her yearning for the re-birth of the public realm; Her inclination to classical republicanism not only echoes the ancient Greek spirit, but also can be interfused into the contemporary philosophical context.


And who for a long period rejected the experience of the Chinese revolution, denying the truth that "Marxism is not a dogma but a guide to action" and overawing people with words and phrases from Marxist works, torn out of context.


Traditional views of international law maintain the essentially bilateralist view set forth in the late Eighteenth Century by de Vattel's Le Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle: states, as sovereigns, are bound and limited in their actions only by those rules to which they themselves have agreed to be bound and limited (explicitly in the case of treaties, explicitly or implicitly with regard to customary law).

国际法的传统观点仍停留在十八世纪末瓦特尔在 Le Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle 中所提出的本质上为双边主义的观点,即主权国家的行动只会受那些它们已然同意的规则的束缚与限制(明确的形式是条约,至于习惯法则有明确或不明确之分)。

It is, I think, the best revelation of the Maoist "style in action," including the bold principle of allowing mass meetings to call the cadres and Party members before them, question them roughly, and challenge not only their actions and policies, but even their personal integrity.


Pre-war prejudice, occupying Nazis and Stalinist deprivations all come and go as each tenant's backward glance yields moments of aching sensuality, infectious exuberance and catastrophic loss.


Chinese communist party enlightened farmers to abandon Bodhisattva. It implemented free policy of religious belief in which required everyone must conform to the law of people's law, and people believing in or infidel religion had their freedom. It also put forward the principle on which communist party could establish unite line of reversing imperialism and feudalism in political activity, unite line could also include some spiritualists and followers of religion.


During the Gulf War, in order to secure its oil interests in Middle East, United States carried out"quasi-unilateral"activity. In the Kosovo War, in order to pursue its strategic interests in Balkan, United States led NATO to launch large-scale air strikes against a sovereign country without authorization from UN Security Council. In the Iraq War, in order to overthrow Saddam Hussein regime, United States put preemptive strategy into practice, which expanded its motive to resort to force and unilateralism to extreme.


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Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
