英语人>网络例句>行为性的 相关的搜索结果


与 行为性的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thinkers of the Lunyu School fully expressed their persistence of individualism and their reconsideration in literary modernity Yet the persistence and escape existed side by side, this mode of behavior and thinking indicated that the self-subject of the modern scholars was illusive and was hard to carry on when the modern scholars were covered by the powerful tradition and deeply controlled by modernity's consciousness of time Chapter Two Reconsidering on the character of modernity with leisure ampleness, resisting the human alienation caused by modern materialism and mechanism with humor, reaffirming the space of self-expression, which formed the humor, the leisure, the modern, and the aesthetic spirit implication of Lunyu School But the modern scholar's powerful inclining to the tradition made Lunyu School's aestheticism draw close to live in seclusion And its aesthetic modernity is also discounted for that reason Chapter Three It is the emotion and the leisure manner owning by the middle aged people that help to bring about Lunyu School's essay's adjusting in main key and moving massively in theme Lunyu School changed the way for "gaining the experience of life"in the twenties'prose It went from highly enthusiastic writings to reserved life-concerning and recite with appreciation in everyday life

第一章 三十年代左翼文学以其"新"、"进步"和"时代性"确立了自己的合理性地位,而时代思潮的转换、文艺与政治的日益密切使五四自由知识分子所坚持的个人主义成了"落伍""颓废"的表征。论语派自由思想者充分表达了对个人主义的执着、对文学现代性的反思,但坚持与逃逸并存的行为与思维模式表明现代士子在忧生伤世的强大传统笼罩下和一往无前的现代性时间意识的深刻控制下,个人主体的难以为继和虚幻性。第二章以闲适的余裕对奔竞躁进、汲汲功利、一往无前的现代性特征进行反思,以幽默对抗现代物质主义机械主义对人灵智的异化,重申自我表现的空间,构成论语派幽默闲适的现代性审美精神内涵。但现代文人对于传统的强大趋同力,则使论语派审美主义向隐逸文化靠拢,其审美现代性由此大打折扣。第三章中年情感与闲适气度直接促成论语派散文基调上的调整及主题的大幅横移,在趣味、游戏、幽默、闲适中改变了二十年代散文"问世"的径路,从意兴湍飞的激扬文字走向了沉潜适世的生命关怀与日常人生的吟味与咀嚼。

The microspore was more like a tetrahedron, whilethe polar was more like a triangle. The number of microspore in every anther wasbetween 2600~3600, so the amount of pollen was quite large that it was propitiousto spread and pollination. P/O was 8088 and the breed system was singleheterosexual copulatoryb. The viability of pollen was normally above 50%. The testof pollen culture showed that the viability of pollen was up to the tiptop under thehigher temperature and lower humidity (38℃,40%),while it was weakest under thelower temperature and lower humidity (16℃,40%).The OCI is 4, and the breedsystem was belong to autocopulation. If it was heterosexual copulatory, there must beintermediums for pollination. It was recorded there were more than 40 species ofinsects on the anthotaxy or followers of Malania Oleifera. Under different weather,different living environments and different plants the frequency and rush hour of theinsects to visit the followers were different. Actions of different kinds of insect werealso different. According to the results of the observation, the form of fluid and seedof Malania Oleifera mostly rely on the action of insect pollination, especially thebees.


Furthermore, the metallic glass samples are prepared by vacuum injection method and the rationality of above-mentioned relationships and RBF models is directly verified. It is shown that there are extremum phenomena between the Rc andΔd ,Δe and v respectively. However, the positions of the extremum are different from different alloy systems and the extremum phenomena may be related to the optimum composition region and the optimum additive quantity. More elements in the alloy are in favor of the improvement of the GFA. And as for the high GFA alloy, the atomic percentage, atomic radius difference and atomic electronegativity difference are harmoniously matched.


The gaseous impurities in the alloys were well controlled with the sum of C, N and O less than 500wppm. For the first time it was found the strong interaction between Cr-Ti-CON, which reduces the mobility of Ti and CON, enhancing high-temperature strength and the aging-hardening property, and keeping the cold-work induced hardening at higher temperature. Aging-hardening could increase the tensile strength of V-4Cr-4Ti by 30% and could be utilized at 00 C for better economical performane of a vanadium structure. Hydrogen release will occur for the alloys tensile loaded at room temperature, which will affect the safety of a vanadium structure due to the resulting dimensional instability. For hydrogen embrittlement, impact toughness and fracture toughness of the alloy showed higher sensitivity than the tensile test elongation,so the toughness should be used as a new standard for the assessment of the embrittlement. Vanadium alloys were easily oxidized in air.


"Three Represents" is not only the summary of CPC's historical experience, but also the prevision of the essential requirements of development trends for China's future society related to the world.


It is said that the importance of excusing conditions in criminal responsibility is derivative, and it derives from the more fundamental requirement that for criminal responsibility there must be 'moral culpability', which would not exist where the excusing conditions are present On this view the maxim actus non est reus nisimens sit rea refers to a morally evil mind Certainly traces of this view are to be found in scattered observations of English and American judges—in phrases such as 'an evil mind with regard to that which he is doing ',' a bad mind ', or references to acts done not ' merely unguardedly or accidentally , without any evil mind.


Therefore, depecage shall be adopted. The following rules are suggested: 1the existence, scope, duration and transferability of copyright and the unlawfulness in copyright infringement shall be governed by the law of the place where the works are effectively used. 2 Initial ownership of copyright works shall be governed by lex originis except works for fire, which should be governed by the laws that govern the employment contracts. 3 Contractual aspects of transfer of copyright through exploitation licenses or assignment should be governed by the laws chosen by the parties; in absence of choice, they shall be governed by the law of the country with which the contract is most closely connected (based on characteristic performance). 4 The legal consequences of the infringement shall be governed by the law expressly chosen by the parties; in absence of choice, it shall be governed by the law of common place of residence or main place of business; in absence of above common place, it shall be governed by the law of the country most closely connected.


The results were found as following:(1) The damage value increases more significantly with the increase in PVF before 30% PVF, beyond which the increasing trend becomes gradually gentle.(2)Keeping the interphase strength and PVF unchanged, the damage increase with increasing moisture concentration in a nearly linear relation.(3)The results generated from the FCC model with consideration of the interphase debonding are in good agreement with the experimental data, meanwhile, the FCC model is also capable of predicting the critical load for the damaged and the undamaged dental composite subject too the 3-point flexural test.4 A 3D-fmite element analysis has been successfully exploited to examine the mechanical behavior of the restoration-tooth structure under the polymerization shrinkage and water sorption. It was found:(1) The low stiffness of the composite has the effect to limit the displacement occurring in the remaining tooth tissue. For lower interphase, the cuspal flexures are litter higher. The high interphase modulus acts as a \'shielding effect\' for stress transfer.

得到如下结论:(1)相同的吸湿性,在30%PVF(颗粒体积分数:Particle volume fraction,PVF)前增加PVF,层间脱胶损伤值显著增加;此后损伤值的增加趋于平缓;(2)保持层间强度和PVF不变,层间脱胶损伤随吸湿率的增加而接近线性增加;(3)FCC(面心立方:Face-centred cubic,FCC)模型层间脱胶损伤的预测结果和实验数据基本吻合;同时此模型可以用于预测牙齿填充材料三点弯曲实验的临界载荷。4、建立理想牙齿修复结构,利用有限元方法研究了同时考虑聚合收缩和吸湿膨胀耦合作用下的填充修复材料和粘结界面层材料性能对牙齿修复结构的力学行为的影响,得到如下结论:(1)低弹性模量的牙齿填充修复材料能限制天然牙组织的位移,但天然牙组织的位移与粘结界面层的弹性模量无关。

This article starts form carding the formation and development of the animations in the United States, Japan and Europe, in their respective national television animation style characteristics. In the second chapter, from the national culture, folk customs and ways, the character and geographical four conditions explore the United States, Japan, Europe, ethnic style animation in the film formation due to the dynamic; Chapter III trays to find the common aesthetic features of the Television Animation factors in United States, Japan, Europe, also this part describes the characters from four aspects, such as to find truthfulness, to find kind and so on. Chapter four is the key of this article, this part colludes several parts , such as film animation level, the way how animation to present to the concept of integrity, the character and language of the text character and so on . This end of this article is a summary of papers, down from globalization understanding of the vision of China Television Animation, the theoretical study of the ultimate goal is to practice creative services, what is more important is a comparative analysis, which received some of reference, identify China Television Animation and the gap between other countries, in order to learn from foreign advanced development of the film and television animation experience in the domestic film and television animation themes and concepts updates, in the localization of the close integration with the international on the road to the former OK, can have a more far-reaching significance.


This practice is still retained among the wild and uncultivated nations that have never been formed into civil states, like the Tartars and others in the east; where the climate itself, and the boundless extent of their territory, conspire to retain them still in the same savage state of vagrant liberty, which was universal in the earliest ages; and which Tacitus informs us continued among the Germans till the decline of the Roman empire.7 We have also a striking example of the same kind in the history of Abraham and his nephew Lot.8 When their joint substance became so great, that pasture and other conveniences grew scarce, the natural consequence was that a strife arose between their servants; so that it was no longer practicable to dwell together.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
