英语人>网络例句>行为性的 相关的搜索结果


与 行为性的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the connectivity axiom and the continuity axiom in Von Neumann-Morgenstern Rational behavior axioms are weakened. Then, a set of axiom for lattice ordered decision-making behavior, which can describe the decision-making behavior more rationally, is constructed. At last, the relative unique existence theorem for utility function is obtained.

根据偏好关系所具有的格序特征,将Von Neumann-Morgenstern理性行为公理体系中的连通性公理弱化为格连通性公理,并相应地弱化连续性公理,得到了一集能更为合理地描述具有"有限理性"的决策行为的格序决策行为公理体系,构造并证明了在格序决策行为公理体系之下,效用函数的存在惟一性定理。

Caution should be employed before using this category, especially with older children, because clinically significant conduct disorder will usually be accompanied by dissocial or aggressive behaviour that goes beyond mere defiance, disobedience, or disruptiveness.


The sexual behavior of chrysanthemum gall midge, Rhopalomyia longicauda (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) such as the release of sex pheromone and calling behavior, were studied indoors and in a field trapping experiment. The sex pheromone was collected with an organic solvent aided by a glass container of charcoal-purified air. Laboratory observations showed that most males emerged 1-2 h before females.


They are the guiltiness of causing traffic trouble, the causation between escape and death, the cognition of causing traffic trouble.


Challenging rationality, behavior economics believes that people often use representativeness, availability, anchoring and adjustment, the law of small number in uncertain situations. It puts forward prospect theory to modify the expected utility theory and use mental accounting theory to explain money non-fungibility. And behavior economics deems that the final goal of people is hedonics.


In this thesis, we study the problem from the angle of completion of shareholders' voting rights, and prove that the reason of disequilibrium in Chinese stock market is that the incompletion of the shareholders' voting rights.


Translation is a speech act, in which the actors involved are supposed to abide by the criticizable validity claims - truthfulness, sincerity and rightfulness. Only in this way can a dialogue or communication proceed rationally.


It concludes that the essence of coprincipal lies in the fact that more than two doers regard acts of each counterpart as own ones and mutually utilizes, so as to form a uniform and organic unit and actualize component of special offence. So intention liaison is essential to coprincipal. But there is no reason to confine it to liaison of criminal intent, because it is joint act that is the central element of coprincipal. Intention liaison is only a coupling factor which facilitates joint act and explains whether act is joint. Provided that intention liaison can help to make more than two doers utilize and reinforce mutually so as to form into a uniform and organic unit, we will have full reason to regard the intention liaison as the one in terms of joint crime. Aggregation and filtration is essence of intention liaison.


Flotation of the three pure sulfide minerals (named amesonite, marmatite and pyrrhppite) used different regeants, is discussed as to know how the useful part is separated from the ore. The flotation behavior of the three minerals is that in low pH value they have good buoyancy,while in high pH value they have bad buoyancy.


Morris water maze, step-through test, and shuttle-box test revealed that the behavioral deficits in APP/PS-1+HNG group were significantly improved than in APP/PS-1+saline group, suggesting that intraperitoneal HNG treatment may ameliorate behavioral deficits associated with hippocampus, amygdale, and cerebrocortex.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
