英语人>网络例句>行为性的 相关的搜索结果


与 行为性的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the human dynamics models based on the queuing process have got great successes in the explanation of such non-Poisson property of human behaviors, there are many human behaviors with non-Poisson property cannot be explained by the queuing models.


The study of critical phenomena has led to the notions of scaling and universality and has spawned the renormalization group, which shows how identical behavior at long length scales can arise from widely different microscopic interactions.


Take the Florida state judge, John Sloop, who was ousted after complaints about his "rude and abusive" behaviour.

就拿佛罗里达的州法官John Sloop的例子来说,他抗议称呼他的一些行为为"粗鲁的和带有辱骂性的",随后他被解职。

Of course it was Bryant's behavior that was the most disruptive in Lakerland this summer, with his trade demands, his criticisms of the front office and his swipes at Andrew Bynum.


Had Eduardo been on the ground with his leg in two pieces as Dean gave Taylor a stern talking-to, saying "one more like that, son, and I might have to book you", we would have to review the English interpretation of the rules and question whether our determination to let the game flow had strayed into an area in which violent assault is permissible as long as it happens quickly.


In Relevance Theory the most important dimension of contextual appropriateness , relevance , is so defined as to make it vacuously hold for any communicative act that does not prove altogether uninterpretable


Yesterday from the Provincial Department of Construction, was informed that in order to contain the virtual demand for housing caused by virtual up, focus on restrictions "real estate" short-term nature of speculative behavior in some cities in the province to pilot the introduction of pre-real estate transfers, as well as domestic less than a year, or possession of more than two sets of housing transfer, the full collection of real estate transaction taxes and fees.

问 昨天从省建设厅获悉,为了遏制虚拟的住房需求所造成的虚拟行动,重点是限制"不动产"短期性的投机行为在一些城市在全省试点的采用预房地产转让,以及国内不到一年的时间里,或拥有两套以上住房的转让,充分收集房地产交易税费。

Besides, in view of the closerelationship between the pathological stage, grade and the binding of Fnwith WGA, it can be concluded that the increase of bisecting GlcNAc inN-linked sugar chains is more closely related to the malignant behavior ofBCa than the increase of antennary number.


Accepting this vision the demoniac being deficient in spiritual intelligence having lost contact with their soul; degradedly engage in abominable activities to influence the destruction of the universe.


This included bringing 133 Tibetans to the United States for training in political, propaganda and paramilitary techniques; continuing the support subsidy to the Dalai Lama's entourage at Dharmsala, India; continuing support to the Nepal based Tibetan guerrillas; the reassignment of a part of the unarmed guerrillas to India for further training; and the [6 lines of source text not declassified].

这包括带来133 西藏人到美国为训练在政治,宣传和准军事性的技术;继续支持补贴对Dalai Lama's 随员在Dharmsala,印度;继续的支持到尼泊尔根据了西藏游击队员;赤手空拳的游击队员的部份的再分配行为向印度为进一步训练;并且[ 源文本6 条线没被撤销机密] 。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
