英语人>网络例句>蝇 相关的搜索结果

与 蝇 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diptera is a fly Tephritidae, is an important fruit and vegetable pests are known to the world more than 4000 kinds of fruit flies, known in China about 400 kinds of fruit flies, the danger of fruit and vegetable crops or pose a potential threat to an important type of account More than 50 countries provided for in quarantine fly nearly 20 categories.

属双翅目实科,是重要的果蔬害虫,全世界已知实4000多种,我国已知实约 400种,危险性或对果蔬作物构成潜在威胁的重要种类计50余种,各国规定的检疫实类近20种。

After 72 h,168 h to observe amount and species of the attracted flies by the six materials in the three fields.Results There is amount difference of flies among three fields( P ≤0.01).There is also species difference of flies among six materials;In six materials,"canker fish+bean draff"(3∶2) attracted the most flies.The following is "canker fish+bean draff(3∶2)+ 0.1% TH6040".

结果在3种环境下,不仅6种诱材料72h、168h诱捕的数有很大的差别( H =10.80,χ2≤0.01; H =10.80,χ2≤0.01),而且各诱材料诱捕的类种群构成亦有所不同;以腐鱼肚肠及豆渣(3∶2)诱数量最多,其次为腐鱼肚肠及豆渣(3∶2)加0.1%灭幼脲;在同一环境,各诱材料间差别亦很大。

The time needed for the development of flies fed with the Beijing Recipe is longer than that of flies fed with Wurzburg Recipe . The former showed hyperfunction in courtship, less female fertility, and lower performance indices compared with those of fed with B.


Voiceover of Norman Maclean: In the afternoon, we would walk with him while he unwound between services .


The Drosophila heart related genes, tinman and wingless, have been shown to play an important role in coordinating the early formation of heart progenitor cells and precursors, yet the late function is still unexplored.


Capitata. The detecting probes included one family probe, one genus probe, three related species probes and four species specific-probes, and the quality-control probes included anchor probe, positive probe, negative probe and blank probe, with one for each. The results of gene chip showed that the specificity of detecting probes was specific to distinguish the three Ceratitis fruit flies.


Results There was no significant gene difference between adults and larvae. CO Ⅱ gene sequences could he used to identify Boettcherisca peregrina, Aldrichina grahami and Lucilia illustris but they could not distinguish Lucilia cuprina from the Lucilia sericata because of their close evolutionary distance and single nucleotide polymorphisms in aldrichina grahami and Lucilia illustris populations were found.

结果 成虫与幼虫基因差异不明显,COⅡ基因序列可以对棕尾别麻、巨尾阿丽和亮绿进行鉴定,铜绿与丝光绿进化距离较近,COⅡ序列不能将他们区分开,同时还发现巨尾阿丽和亮绿存在种群单核苷酸多态性。

Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann,1830),which distributed in Palaearctic,Nearctic,Australia and Neotropic Regions,but not known to China before,was recently found in Shanghai,China.It was also intercepted from waste paper in a cargo from America and Australia.The present paper deals with the diagnostics,biology,distribution and others of the species.

2001年3月在浦东国际机场附近一孔雀尸体上发现1种中国前所未见的黑,被疑为近年从境外传入,该种黑被鉴定为古铜黑〔 Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann,1830)〕,原产于美洲,可携带脊髓灰质炎病毒、沙门菌、志贺菌等,是一种重要的病媒性类;2002~2004年在上海其他地区的调查中,也采到了该种;上海口岸于2003年12月22日从美国和2005年4月22日从澳大利亚的入境废纸中先后截获该

In fly casting the weight of the line carries the fly to the fish.


I have therefore generated several p130cas RNA interference transgenic lines to determine the possible function of p130cas during neurogenesis. Knockdown of p130cas expression in developing neurons resulted in partial fusion in the commissures axon fascicles of CNS, photoreceptor axon targeting and guidance defects, and bulged synapse boutons at the neuromuscular junction. Moreover, reduced expression of p130cas in sensory organ precursor cells and proneural clusters resulted in bristle development defects.

为了了解p130cas的功能以及更进一步的分析p130cas在神经发育过程所扮演的角色,我建立一系列可以执行RNA干扰技术的转殖果,结果显示在果的神经中降低p130cas的表现会造成腹部神经索中原来排列整齐的commissure axons神经束偶尔会出现不正常的融合;若将p130cas专一地在果眼睛中降低则会造成果视神经突触目标辨识与突触导向的缺陷;而如果局部的运动神经系统中降低p130cas的表现会造成在神经肌肉接点的神经突触有澎大的现象;此外在果的感觉器官前细胞以及原神经细胞丛,降低p130cas的表现则会导致刚毛发育的缺陷。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
