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与 虚弱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As David Thorburn writes, Though all his people are orphans, Conrad remains one of the great portrayers of the anguished impotence of fatherhood.


Decreased lung volume and poor gas exchange lead to shortness of breath and then to coughing, difficulty in breathing, and weakness .


Decreased lung volume and poor gas exchange lead to shortness of breath and then to coughing, difficulty in breath ing, and weakness.


Shop assistant: If he feels his heart rate is fast and strong, at the same time there is discomfort in the precordial region, like the feeling of nervous, besides, if he feels pallid, weak, tired and dizzy,,it is likely to be anemia. Have you taken him to hospital recently?


The friend who can be silent with us in moment of despair of confusion , who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not nealing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.


Unlike heart attacks, it is rare for a heartburn sufferer to become nauseas, vomit, break out in a cold sweat, develop shortness of breath, become lightheaded or dizziness or feel weak.

不像心脏病发作,这是难得的一个心患者成为nauseas ,呕吐,摆脱在寒冷的汗水,发展气促,成为lightheaded或头晕或觉得虚弱

Culm sheaths purple-brown or green-brown, usually alternating with pale and darker stripes, with sparse small brown spots or cloudy brown blotches, margins usually dark brown; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule dark purple brown, truncate, 2–3 mm, margin ciliolate; blade spreading to reflexed, purple-green with yellow margins, linear-lanceolate to linear, flat or sometimes weakly crinkled.


From May 4th Movement of 1919 to the 1920s, sex love narrations in Chinese novels were rather an enlightenment and liberation in that particular era with four characteristics. Firstly, sexual desire was endowed with rationality with regard to liberation of human nature and mutual love. Secondly, with an epochal concern for a stronger and superior race, greater attention was paid to sexual parties concerned, mainly physically. Thirdly, new ethics on sex were promoted in that personal freedom on sex love was emphasized and sex love became an important way of self-fulfillment. Therefore, independence of sex love was advocated and the scope of sex love was also widened. Fourthly, the sex consciousness of this period had the mixed features of the past and the contemporary. Sex love narrations in the 1930s and 1940s showed a further exploration on the theme of human nature. First of all, sex was restored to a kind of desire. ShenCongwen probed the importance of harmonious sex love to a sound personality and Shi Zhecunrevealed that sexual inhibition could lead to the distortion, even frenzy of human nature. Bothexplored the influence and functions of sexual desire as human nature upon human personality,giving prominence to the irresistibleness of sexual desire and the significance of sexual desire asa motive. Then, human bodies driven by sexual desire were described and given greater attentionto. Next, ethics on sex were deconstructed either by Shen Congwen who opposed man-madeethics with law of nature and the School of New Sensation who replaced traditional ethics on sexwith exchange rules in consumption, or by Shi Zhecun who spared no efforts in representing thecomplete failure of social rules, including ethics on sex, due to the impact from sexual desire.The direct effect was a paleness of the ethical binding force on sex. Last, sex consciousness inthe works of female writers emerged. In the early works of Ding Ling, the sexual desire of thefemale is no longer a ramification of emotion but an independent one. In addition, in the sex lovenarrations of other female writers, such as Mei Niang, strong self-consciousness on the socialstatus of the female is also reflected. Sex love narrations in the late 1970s and early 1980s wereactually a re-enlightenment in the spirit of humanism, whose major features include humanisticlegitimation of sex love within the boundary of ethics, a blend of sex love narrations withnational concepts and national myths as well as the aesthetic, poetic descriptions of humanbodies etc. In the middle and late 1980s, sex love narrations entered a stage of exploration forpluralism. First, by restoration of sexual desire, writers of this era restored human nature, thevery original state of human being. Different emphasis and tendencies could be seen in differentwriters: looking at sex love dialectically and trying to describe its creative as well as destructivecharacteristics; connecting sex love with violence and trying to reveal the evil side of humannature through it; emphasizing the creativeness of sex love especially in the heritage of"wildness".


Culms 5–7 m, 1–2.5 cm in diam.; internodes terete, 35–45 cm, initially white powdery, brown setose immediately below node, white-gray setose above; wall 2–4 mm thick; supra-nodal ridges level or weakly prominent; sheath scar prominent, initially yellow-brown setose.

根状茎颈6-12 厘米秆5-7米,1-2.5厘米直径;节间圆柱状,35-45厘米,最初白色敷粉,棕色刚毛立即在下面节点,在上面白色灰色具刚毛;壁2-4毫米厚;超级节的脊水平或身体虚弱突出;突出的鞘痕,具刚毛的黄褐色的最初。

During this period, my body was weak, like having flu symptoms and my white-cell count was low.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
