英语人>网络例句>蓝绿色的 相关的搜索结果


与 蓝绿色的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An airplane casts a shadow over Lake Natron in Tanzania. The lake's color comes from a red pigment in cyanobacteria, which feed on high levels of salt in the lake.


An airplane casts a shadow over Lake Natron in Tanzania. The lake'scolor comes from a red pigment in cyanobacteria, which feed on highlevels of salt in the lake.


On a background of softest seafoam, with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia, periwinkle and teal, she is a part of the mysterious, impetuous sea captured forever on canvas.


A charming woman, Scrope Purvis thought her (knowing her as one does know people who live next door to one in Westminster); a touch of the bird about her, of the jay, blue-green, light, vivacious, though she was over fifty, and grown very white since her illness.

Scrope Purvis一直认为她是位有魅力的女士(认识她是因为他是她同在威斯敏特斯的邻居)她有点像一只小鸟或者是松鸭蓝绿色相间的,明亮的,活泼的,虽然她已经年过五旬,因为疾病缠身面色越发苍白。

Mila has recommended rose quartz to hold all the pink tones associated with forgiveness and unity in the Language of Light, and amethyst to hold all the lavender tones of structure and divine union; and amber or jasper to hold the peach tones of power and truth; and aventurine or crysocolla to hold the turquoise tones of compassion; and citrine or yellow calcite to hold the yellow tones of freedom and breath of life; and hematite to hold the silver tones of non-conditional love; and tigers eye or rutilated quartz to hold the golden tones associated with non-conditional governance.

Mila 建议用玫瑰粉晶来持有与光之语中宽恕及统一有关的所有粉色音调、紫水晶持有结构和神性统一的所有淡紫色音调、琥珀或碧玉持有力量和真相的桃色音调、砂金石或蓝玉石持有同情的蓝绿色音调、黄水晶或黄色方解石持有自由与生命呼吸的黄色音调、赤铁矿持有无条件爱的银色音调、虎眼石或发晶持有与无条件统辖相关的金色音调。

BEIJING - Fast-spreading, foul-smelling blue-green algae smothered a lake in eastern China, contaminating the drinking water for millions of people and sparking panic-buying of bottled water, state media said Thursday.


From the results of experiments, the best device of oligomers mixed with PBD as emitting layer : we got electroluminescence of P9 as green-blue; low turn on voltage was 4V; the best brightness was1240 cd/m2, and the best efficiency was 1.69 cd/A .

所得到的寡聚物P127,具有高的热裂解温度(3205800C),及75~2420C的Tg点。寡聚物为发光层加入PBD的基本元件里ITO/PEDOT/Polymer(P1箊27+PBD/ Ca/Mg:P9为蓝绿色发光(478nm),具有低的启动电压4V,其最大亮度为1240cd/m2,最大效率为1.69 cd/A 。

From the results of experiments, the best device of oligomers mixed with PBD as emitting layer : we got electroluminescence of P9 as green-blue; low turn on voltage was 4V; the best brightness was1240 cd/m2, and the best efficiency was 1.69 cd/A .

所得到的寡聚物P127,具有高的热裂解温度(3205800C),及75~2420C的Tg点。寡聚物为发光层加入PBD的基本元件里ITO/PEDOT/Polymer(P1P27+PBD/ Ca/Mg:P9为蓝绿色发光(478nm),具有低的启动电压4V,其最大亮度为1240cd/m2,最大效率为1.69 cd/A 。

This parrot green bird body length 56-62 cm, cheeks and neck for the gray-blue, chairman of the public bird neck out a pair of gray-blue feathersstrip, wax membrane down to the eye has a black feather , neck has a very wide ring of black feathers and a very wide ring pink feathers; abdomen yellowish green, lateral wingswith a purple feathers; tail feathers between the top of the end for the Green plus blue-green , cutting-edge yellow; medial yellow tail; bird beak red, tip yellow; iris yellowish-white.


A chauffeur in a uniform of robin's-egg blue crossed my lawn early that Saturday morning with a surprisingly formal note from his employer: the honor would be entirely Gatsby's, it said, if I would attend his "little party" that night.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
